September 10th 2010

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Please vote and tell me how you felt about this chapter. I kinda forgot I had this on here until today... anyways have a great day, night, and afternoon. -Author

Louis Tomlison

"Was that Harry?" My mom asked me. "Who?" I said pretending not to know who she was talking about. "The boy that was before you. He came back here to watch you. I think it was." "Well, you're right. I was watching his performance out in the lobby, and he changed a bit, but you can tell it was him." I said looking down. "Do you miss him?" My mom asked making me look up at her. "You know that answer," I said looking back at the floor. "Maybe you guys will be on the same team and yall can become friends again." My mom said being the delightful person she is. "Maybe. That would be nice... Let's go I want to go home" I said starting to walk out the door of the building. "Louis waits," my mom said holding my hand. "What mum," I said being the drama queen I am. "Wow so dramatic," my mom said letting go of my hand. "That's me," I said smiling. "Harry cared about you and clearly, he still does so can you give him a chance if you guys are on the same team?" My mom said seriously. "Of course, I would but I don't know if he would. I unfriended for something so little. He told me everything, but I didn't tell him everything. I just can't believe I unfriended for something so little" I said thinking about how 11-year-old me unfriended my best friend over something so little. "I bet you he would. You guys were best mates for lots of years. He cared so much about you Louis. I get you had trust issues, but he only lied because he loved you, Louis. But don't bring It up the next time you see him. If you, do you didn't hear from me." my mom said, looking at me. "Wait really?? No, you're lying, he didn't love me. He was probably cutting again, that's what I made up in my mind at least. He always lied about doing that." I said finally walking out of the building and going to my mum's car and getting in the passengers' side of the car.

Harry Styles

After they found out their teams

"Mum, I found out my team!" I said walking over to my mum. "Who is all on your team." my mum said, looking at me happy to hear who was on my team. You can tell that she wanted Louis on my team. She always cared for the Howell family. She loved them so much. "So, there is Me, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, and Louis Tomlinson," I said reading off the list. "OMG LOUIS IS ON YOUR TEAM!!" My mum said jumping up and down. "Mum calm down" She got up from where she was standing and went out the front door. I followed her to the Howell household. She knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. It happened to be Louis. "Oh hi Mrs. Smith. What brings you here today?" Louis said not looking at me once. "Is your mother here dear?" "Oh yes, she is. You can come in if you want. She is just getting ready for the day" My mom and I walked in and sat down on the sofa that faces the door and the stairs. "So did you hear the news, Louis?" My mother asked making conversation. "Oh no I didn't. Are you and John getting a divorce?" Louis asked looking concerned as ever. "Oh no dear I'm talking about the teams for the x-factor" When Louis heard that his expression was the cutest ever. He went from looking concerned to looking happy as ever. "Oh no I didn't," Louis said as his mom was walking down the stairs. "Anne what are you doing here??" Louis' mom aka Johannah said speeding down the stairs. "Well guess what? Actually, boys, this is an adult conversation so can you guys please go somewhere else?" my mom said, looking at me and Louis. "Oh, um yeah. We can go to my room" Louis said waiting for me to catch up to him. I finally caught up to him and we went up to his room. "Who's on your team?" Louis asked closing the door behind him. "These random dudes I don't know," I said not wanting to say anything about him being on my team. "Oh same" after he said that you can hear our mum's screaming. "So... I'm guessing your mum came to tell my mum we are on the same team," he said looking at me. "Yup. After my audition she saw your mum in the lobby and ever since then she wanted us to be on the same team" I said looking around Louis's room seeing how much it changed over the last 5 years. "Same. My mum talked about how much she missed you and stuff for about 2-4 hours straight the other day" Louis said. I chuckled a little. "My mum has presents in her closet for you," I said giggling while saying it. "Oh really??" "Yup for your birthday and Christmas," I said. Louis' birthday is on December 24th so he would only get a birthday present and not a birthday and Christmas gift. But since my mom loved Louis as much as she loved me, she would him a birthday gift and a Christmas gift. "Wow so thoughtful of her" Louis said laughing with me. "I'm kind of thankful that we are on the same team." I said sitting down next to louis on his bed. "Same. Life without you was lonely and boring" Louis said going on his phone and did something. I soon got a text from a number i haven't texted in 5 years. 

Boobear: Hey Handsom. Haven't spoken to you in a while. 

I looked up at a laughing louis. "Really" I said joining him in his laughing fit. We laughed for hours until my mum decided it was time for us to leave. "Come back whenever" Johannah said waving at us as we left their driveway.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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