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third person's pov

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third person's pov.

she held a daisy in hand, white petals surrounding a bright yellow center like a sun being embraced by the clouds and sky. she fidgeted and got her breathing under control. it's easy; just go towards him and blow the lid off.

she glanced to the corner where he was enclosed by his friends, joking away. her heart sped up. gosh, he's so pretty and he's minutes away from being mine— that is only if he accept it.

she took her first step bravely but felt herself quivering back. the feeling was nerve-wrecking. what if he rejects?

she shook her head and looked over to another side. girls were flocking up near the boys' they like, loud chatters filling the corridor. a few girls walked up to where her crush stood, giving flowers to all seven of them before they walked away with an euphoric beam.

she could do it just like them, can't she? of course she could, she's kim jisoo. she's bold.

she took a step forward, feeling herself shake from nervousness. gosh, why is confessing so hard? she pondered. she quickly walked towards the boy, ignoring all the bits of anxiety that pulled her back. she rather finish this quick than to dawdle around.

her heartbeat increased at every step she took before she stopped right in front of the group. eyes lasered onto her, making her feel as if something is drilling a hole on her body. she gulped and looked into the eyes of her crush. "hey taehyung-ssi, can i talk to you personally for a while?"

a string of silence followed after her question. the group of 7 shared some looks before they jokingly pushed the said boy forwards. "ooh, looks like someone is going to confess, hm? go on, lover boy." they teased. taehyung gave them a glare as a blush coated on his cheeks from embarrassment. jisoo looked away by looking at the floor. both of them awkwardly stood before taehyung coughed and gestured them to walk outside.

"ahem, i'm sorry about my friends," taehyung finally spoke up as soon as their away from the school's vicinity. the two found themselves on the backyard garden, sitting opposite each other on a table. jisoo took a gulp as nervousness gained control of her.

"i-it's alright," she murmured and stumbled with her words. goddamn it, why am i getting anxious right now?"

"so what did you want to talk about personally?"

the brunette found it hard to speak up. she lowered her gaze, still blushing like crazy. "uh well," she mumbled. taehyung raised a brow, signaling her to continue. jisoo took a deep breath in before she exhaled.

"i like you, taehyung-ssi."

the words swiftly left her lips. she clutched her eyes and hands tightly, now regretting her actions. what if he couldn't return her feelings?

taehyung on the other hand was speechless. people did confessed to him and he could slickly reject them but at the moment, he felt tongue-tied.

"you're joking, right?"

jisoo's heart stopped for a moment. she shakily looked up and observed taehyung nervously smiling, "you're joking, aren't you?" he asked again. the girl shook her head, "...i'm serious."

taehyung's smile dropped. he felt himself being dumbfounded. what is he supposed to say? and, why did he find it hard to say the usual sentence?

"please tell me this is an april fool's joke."

"it's still march..."

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