Ch. 1

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ahahah it exists yes


As I walked around the Survey Corps headquarters, I couldn't help but feel a strong sense of fierce distaste as I walked past all the people around me, head down. It took me all I had to find a way to escape Wall Sina and I'm already regretting it.

I gasped softly as I bumped into someone. "Watch it, cadet," snapped a cold voice. I stared down to meet the eyes of a man who looked like he should still be in grade school.

"Lemme guess," I said with a taunting tone in my voice. "You're trying to act like a higher-up."

I chuckled, "Young cadets are so cute."

I cocked my head and smiled at him as he looked up at me with a peeved expression. "For your information, cadet, I'm a captain of the Survey Corps."

I laughed, surprising both him and myself. "You? A captain of the Survey Corps? But you're so small!" I snickered.

"Tch." He brushed past me, obviously upset that I had insulted him. But I stand by my ideals. I don't care how I treat other people anymore. All people are cruel and horrible, this man probably more than most.

Strangely enough, I didn't gather any information from him, even though usually I was able to find out anything about anyone at first glance.

I mustn't have had enough time, but from what I could hear in his voice, he seemed cold and unwilling to open up to anybody.

"Heh, what a dick," I muttered to myself before walking away. "Loser like him probably has no friends."

I knew I didn't have any friends either, but that was by choice, and in my eyes, there was nothing wrong with that.

After all, who would want to be friends with him? Not me, for sure.

I sighed as more people entered the large room. I was already pissed that we were holding this entrance meeting indoors, but to have to cram so many people into this room was outrageous!

Someone bumped into me, immediately spouting apologies. I groaned. He wasn't going to leave me alone unless I said something. "Jeez, doesn't anyone here know how to pick up signals?" I muttered. I turned to the person who bumped into me, glaring. "Get lost and don't talk to me."

I turned away, not even needing to look into his eyes to figure out what he felt. It hurts, doesn't it? To be treated like a sack of shit thrown on the side of the road. And I didn't even give him the worst of it.

"Pussy," I muttered as I averted my gaze towards the stage in front of me, a tall blonde male striding out onto it, emitting an aura of importance. I knew of him as the commander of the Survey Corps, Erwin Smith. He cleared his throat audibly.

"I need everyone's full attention!" he shouted, the room quieting down. "First off, I would like to address the issue of the titan attack that took place last month!"

I looked around. No one was really that upset, surprisingly, unlike the people from Wall Sina.

"Expeditions will continue, except this time, we will not be venturing out past Wall Maria! Our main objective has not changed! Find out as much about the titans as possible so we can exterminate them!"

I felt the fearful air from all the people slowly dissipate as they were strengthened by his words.

"Our second announcement is that of new cadets who have joined us!"

Erwin motioned to others to come onstage and they stood beside him, all in a row.

"These are your superiors!"

Passive Aggressive - L. AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now