21. C - Twenty-One :

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And the d-day is finally come. After a month of waiting, finally Yuna will officially finish her research paper, and she's really into road-to-graduation stage.

"This is it." Yuna breath out.

After the talk that she have with the boys; Yuna is now ready to really end her temporary manager thing. But... she didn't know if she's really ready to left them... especially him; Jungkook. Not gonna lie to herself, but in that month that she's with them; she already knows that she falls deeply to Jungkook.

Maybe the saying was right; he falls first, but I'm falling deeper. What a great scenario. Yuna thought as she crazily laugh in her mind. Who wouldn't laugh when you keep thinking that you fall in love with a guy that hundred percent will never be yours.

"I should really end this.." Yuna whispers as she arranged her papers, then retouched her makeup. "That's it. I'm totally ready." She smiled at the mirror before she get her things and went out of her apartment.

Yuna smiled seeing Manager Kim already waiting for her outside of her house. 'This gonna be the last time that he will fetch me.' She thought still looking at the guy who's busy looking at the ground. She sighed deeply. "Good morning oppa." She greeted with genuine smile, the smile that will be missed after this day.

"Good morning, Yuna." Manager Kim greeted her back. He opened the passenger door as Yuna immediately hopped in. "Thank you." She said before he closes the door and also went inside the driver's seat.

"Are you ready?" Manager Kim asked.

"I'm always ready." Yuna answered. She looked outside the window not wanting to look at the manager beside her or even not taking a glance in each part of the car which she will miss after this day.

"Arghh, why am I tearing?" Yuna whispers as she blinks couple of times preventing her tears to fall. "Stop it." She silently scolding herself.

On the other side, Manager Kim still heard what she says; who wouldn't hear that whisper when the ride is too silent; they could even heard their breathing. But, he didn't intend to ask or talk to her, instead he just turned-on the car radio letting Yuna cry or scold herself or whatever she wants to do while they are still on the way to their destination.

🎶 (Let's jump!)
Soneul jeo wiro deulgo oechyeo da gachi pump it up
(Let's jump!)
Soneul jeo wiro deulgo oechyeo modu da jumpin' up
(Let's jump!) ttwieobojago
(Let's jump!) jeongsin butjabeo
(Let's jump!)
Soneul haneullo deulgo oechyeo modu da jumpin' up 🎶

Manager Kim turned the volume up to cover the gloomy atmosphere inside the car. But to his surprise, turning on the radio didn't help because Yuna is now crying her heart out. He immediately turn-off the radio and stop the car on the side road.

"Yuna, why are you crying? Is the song to senti for you to cry?" Manager Kim asked. He doesn't know what to do since he's also surprised at Yuna who is still sobbing.

"N-no.." she answered while sobbing. "The s-song i-is to enjoy-enjoyable.. that's w-why I'm I'm crying." She cried out loud like a baby while manager Kim patting her shoulder helping her to calm down. Seeing the cry-baby beside him, Manager Kim can't help but to smile. The Yuna beside him is really the Yuna that he knows.

If Yuna is mad, she will buy foods for all the staffs. All the staffs means the who staffs in the entertainment building; from the ground floor to the last floor, and ofcourse using the company's card. Oh, to add to it, if she was mad at one of the boys; she'll asked for his card then she will use it to buy foods for all the staffs.

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