13. C - Thirteen :

319 28 15

Jungkook POV

I am brushing my teeth right now. We decided to go to our entertainment today, hoping that I will see... no, hoping for a new details in our upcoming album? Nah, I know that our CEO and staffs really did their best for our albums. We are not known as one of the artist with many #1 in charts, if not because of their hard work, really big thanks to our CEO and HugeHit staffs.

I know that I'm sounds so boastful, but I can't hide the fact that our group is now known all over the world. Me and my hyungs still respects our seniors, if not because of them, then maybe KPOP is still KPOP. I mean, we're just known in our country. But because of our seniors, KPOP is now a phenomenal.

"You look so happy today." Jimin hyung asked, still in his sleepy voice.

"I'm always happy." I said.

"I know that you are excited to see that girl." He said as he washed his face.

I didn't answer him, instead, I left him alone in the bathroom. If I didn't do that, then our conversation will never end. Besides, I know that he is still disappointed to that Choi sasaeng. He told us that Eunha noona knows about Choi, so she stops to communicate with Jimin hyung for awhile. I think they'll let it pass for awhile to take care of their relationship.

"Are you thinking about that girl again?" Suga hyung asked. I looked around, and realised that I am in the living room standing infront of him while thinking about Jimin's relationship. Aish! Why do I need to think about that? It's none of my business and also it was not my problem.

"Yah! Jungkookie, I am asking you." Suga hyung raised his voice. Omo!

"Pfft. Ha-Ha-- why would I think about her?" Did I sounds convincing?

I look at Suga hyung, he is looking at me with a serious face. I know that he's always serious, but his seriousness today is really something.

"Not to me Jungkook." He said.

"Promise, I am telling the truth. I am not thinking about her, I am spacing out right now because I am thinking about Jimin hyung's relationship, I feel bad for him. So believe me hyung, I am not thinking about that Choi." I said like I am rapping a song.

Suddenly, Suga hyung smirked. His smiled is so sweet, but his smirk is very opposite to that smile. "Why you are so defensive? I am just asking, but I never thought that you'll explain it like you are confessing your sin." He patted my shoulder. "You are big enough to be aware of romantic relationship."

"Huh? What are you talking about hyung?" I asked. "I swear, I am not thinking about that Choi girl." I said slightly shouting since that milky hyung of mine is now inside of his room.

Aish! If I am not a warm-hearted maknae, then I'll definitely smack him on his face. But, everyone knows that I am a kind maknae, then I'll be like that.

"Hey! Why are you shouting?" Jin hyung asked. One by one, my hyungs were gathered in the living room.

"Argh! It was so boring here. I want to go outside." Jhope hyung complain.

"Fans are around us. We should stay here for awhile." RM hyung is really our leader. The way he speak, it is with authority but still calm.

Both my 94' liners hyung are right, it was so boring to stay here in our dorm. We came from the hectic schedule, but when we are here in dorm we want to go outside. BUT, we can't just go outside like others did. Many eyes were looking at us, especially the eyes who really want to find an evidence about our dating life.

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