Cheers for that Hazz

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Chloes pov

It had been a week since camp started and there were only 7 days till the rest of one direction came which I shall admit I'm really looking forward to...

Also only 7 weeks till this camp is over and I xdon't think I'm ever coming back! Woo

But the week has been godd to be fair and well me and Harry had just sort of stuck together and somehow became something close to bestfriends, I don't even know to be honest but we always laughed when we were together.

Though me and Mel had just completely drifted to different parts of the camp and hadn't really talked.

Apart from when we perform but that's about it.

Acctually I spend time with the boy dreamers quite a lot. Apart from Harry, me and Josh are pretty good friends.

After thinking through all this I finally got up out of bed to realise I was the first one up.

I got out of bed and went to wash before selecting clothes for today.

White shorts, Large off the shoulder t-shirt with love written in swirly writing and once again my white converse.

I brushed through my hair and then tied it up quite high.

There was a feint tapping at my door so I skipped over to answer it.

I opened it to reveal a grinning Harry and I smiled back before stepping out and closing the door behind me.

"Morning" I greeted

"Morning Chloe" He replied," I know we're early but I can get us ino the food hall early"

"How?" I asked

"Because.. The names styles, Harry styles" He told me and I chuckled

"Too bad your licence to kill ran out" I pouted which made him laugh this time.


After breakfast we decided what we wanted to do today.

At first I wanted to get the coach to go to the adventure land a couple miles away but Harry suggested we wait till next week to go with the boys and eventuallyI gave in to that idea.

So instead we were going to karting.

Basically you have your own wee type of go-kart thing and you're able to go off into the forest for a couple hours exploring, and me being the oversized child I am decided that this was a perfect idea.

So here we were peddling along the ground trying to avoid bumping into trees. We were currently going at the same pace as Harry had made me slow down.

As we kept peddling we didn't have a clue on where we were going but we didn't ever stop, the talking was continuous and never boring, always funny.

In all honesty I enjoyed Harrys company, it was like no other. He was soo different from the usual guys I'd hang out with. And lets face it curls+dimples= Adorableness don't it?

But I don't think I'd ever fall for him in that kind of way. He was a mate, a good one at that.

"You okay Chloe?" Harry brought me out of my thoughts

"What, oh um yeh, great" I smiled at him

"Do you wanna head back and get icecream or something I'm hungry" He suggested

"Yeh icecream sounds good"  replied and we steered home.


We were now seated on some deck chairs eating icecream from a tub looking out onto the lake and all the pople taking part in activities.

"It's bveen a good week" Harry commented

"That is has. Interesting too" i grinned and recieved a smirk in reply

Splat. woah, wait what?

"Harry Styles, you did not just splat your icecream on me" I scolded

He grinned " Thow shall not lie"

I took my spoon and scooped up the icecream and flicked it at him.

" Taqste your own medicine" I rrplied before springing to my feet and running off.

"You will never take me alive" I yelled before running as quick as I could as I knew he'd chase after me


I kept running and could hear him behind me, taunting me almost.

As I ran past Josh I gave a quick wave and recieved a chuckle in retunr which led to me giving him the finger.

I was starting to really run out of breath and by the sounds of it so was Harry.

"You okay back there?" I asked

"S-sure" He panted in reply

Istopped abruptly leading him to crash right into me sending us both flying into the dirt.

"Cheers for that Hazz" I grunted before jumping up and dusting myself off

"No sweat " He replied

"Can we just call it even now" I asked and he nodded


"Oh look at the happy couple" A barbie sneered at us as we walked past them

" Aw look at the plastic cup" I joked back and she scowled before turning away and stomping off

"Perrleaseee" I sassed at her

Yeh bitch , I got sass. Problem? Thought not.


As we continued walking we came by one of the recording booths where you could practice your music.

we netered and went through the piles of CDs there

Harry stopped and smiled lifting one up

"Please try one of our songs? just listen to it through and get a feel for the words?" He suggested

I sighed giving in " fine"

We played the song and once I got enough of the words I went into the booth.

"Moments in time I'll find the words to sayyy, before you leave me here  today" I sang ending the song

"That was brilliant" He praised

"Thanks, the songs beautiful by the way" I told him

"that was written by Ed" He replied

"lets try a song together" i suggested suddenly shy

"Sounds good" He replied and we went to the Piles once again

We selected Justin Biebers album believe and selected a song- All around the world


"Coz all around the world, around the world.People wanna be loved. all round the world, around the world they're no different than usssss" we finsihed toegther and could hear applause

We looked to see a camp leader sitting there clapping

"No buts you two will perfrom tonight in the duets section!" She cheered and left us

Well we should probably practice something then right? right.

A/n So you gusy did what was aksed and I'm sooo happy with you all! thankyou so much it means alot, love you all- Erin xoxo

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