Oh wouldn't that be great...

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A/N Hello again, if you are an American reader please comment telling me. It's just that would be so amazing.

Or if you're Australian. Actually please just comment telling my what country you're from that'd be awesome. x

Read the above.

Read my a/n

read it, it's about you.


Chloe's POV

"yeh?" He answered.

His voice was kind of croaky and his eyes didn't hold the same happiness they usually did.
"You okay Lou?" I asked.

He let out a sigh he'd been holding, "Chloe I'm not angry at you, at all. It's just I don't like the position Harry's put me in with you. I felt like a right turnip having to ask his girlfriend or whatever you are to each other."

I took his hand in mine, and looked him in the eyes, " It's okay Louis, I'm not worth all this fuss."

"Chloe you're Harry's best decision yet, we usually can't stand the people he loves but, don't worry you'ere cool." He smirks.

My stomach goes all fuzzy when he says Harry loves me because it's just nice to hear every once in a while.

I always had this dream growing up about someone who'd love you despite all your flaws no matter what these particular flaws were.
Harry looked beyond what I'd given, he'd smashed down the walls and now I was left, me.
Truth be told I had always been a bit of a hopeless romantic.
I'd grown up reading and watching too many love stories. I wanted this guy with all these feelings that he kept only for me all these beautiful thoughts he'd have but only divulge to me because he wanted everyone else to not know the full 100% of him. A guy that read and wrote poetry and when you asked him to maybe write about you sometimes he'd grin and laugh lightly and you'd look at him in a weird way and he;d simply say "Darling you're all a write about." 
A guy that didn't need hints that you wanted something a little more romantic and he'd just know and he'd have it done.

Harry was my fictional guy.
People should write stories about this.
How a girl finds her first love who just so happens to be the most perfect guy ever.
Or maybe they do?
I don't know but it's a good idea.

 The bus started slow down and the girls let out a squeal and they got up and headed for the door.
When we were out they charged for the mall but I waited for the guys to get 'disguised' basically just a hoodie pulled up a little and some large sunglasses.
We looked pretty cool.....

 We had body guards follow bout 20 metres behind us as we looked around, "What store first?" Liam asked me looking down on me.

I shrugged my shoulders not knowing what shops did what.
Mel let out a squeal and started fanning herself," Look at them shoes!" She gushed, "They would go so well with your dress!" She gripped my hands and ran towards the shop, Kurt something or other and brought me over to look at them.

I wasn't big on fashion but I knew the shoes were beautiful, "COuldn't I just wear converse under my dress?" I asked and she playfully slapped me.

"No!" She scolded and turned my head to look at the shoes again.

They were a dark navy blue with a golden coloured heel and some embellishment around the heel.
"I'm a dude but even I know that's a good looking shoe." Niall joked and Mel smiled.
Stupid people that won;t admit their feelings.

Eh you and harry?

Shut up.

I let out a sigh I'd been holding in and lifted up the shoe.
just then a person that worked i the shop came over and asked if I wanted to try it on, I replied with a yes please and my shoe size.

He was back with a size 4 shoe and set the pair in front of me whilst I removed me own.
i carefully slid my left foot into the shoe the repeated the action with my left foot.

Once they were comfortably on both my feet I carefully stood up making Sure to keep my balance.
Once completely up I stumbled a little and clung to Liams arm.

"I'm not used to heels." I explained and they all smirked at me. Cocky bastards.

 "Really?" Louis fake gasped, "I'm shocked to the core." The others laughed with him and I gave them all a glare. 

"Is the fit okay?" Mel asked me and I gave a nod.

"I think I'll take them, I'll just have to get used to it." I shrugged taking them off carefully and lifting them up to take them to the till. Everyone followed in a trail behind me having their own conversations.
Wow I'm going to need a lot of practice unless I want to fall at the wedding oh wouldn't that be great...

After I paid for them we left and Liam insisted on carrying my bag but then I said no so then he just took it from me. And Liam's supposed to be the reasonable one...

We continued waling through the shop but only I'd lost interest and just walked around aimlessly whilst everyone found interest in other stuff that just wasn't appealing to me.

We met up with the others for a quick lunch then  was dragged back to shop, we did get a few odd looks at me screaming and kicking as I was dragged into another make-up shop.

It was getting near the end of our trip and I'm pretty sure everyone had bought something so I don't know why we were Still looking.

"Let's go in here." Mel said and we turned to see the store she was looking at, before I could protest Niall had his palms o my back and was pushing me forward, towards the store. This time I didn't say anything.

When we got in I seen diamonds everywhere. All the jewellery was very elegant and I wondered why I was even in there.

 But then i seen something,

It caught my attention from the corner of my eye and I slowly moved away from the people  was with to examine it.
It was a diamond encrusted necklace but not over the top, which is probably why I liked it, I'd never really liked jewellery or diamonds but there was something different about this quirky piece of jewellery.

The guys had come over when they realised I'd seen something and Mel was currently fangirling over the piece.

"Do you like it?" Niall asked tilting his head a little.

i could just about nod completely captivated by this necklace.

"Never took you for a diamond sort of girl Chlo.." Louis laughed from beside me and I elbowed his stomach.

"Sir we'll take it!" Liam said all of a sudden and my head snapped up and i started to vigorously shake my head.

"What!? No way! I can't afford this it's like five thousand pound there is no way it's ridiculous!" I protested and started to hit Liam's back to make my point.

"Guys get off!" 
"What are you doing!?" I asked as Louis and Niall grabbed my arms and trialed me backwards.

After 10 minutes of them holding me down Liam came out of the shop with a smile on his face and a bag in his hand.

He turned to em to say something but I got in there before him, "Say nothing, I'm not talking to you."

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