chpt. 2

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author : thank you to txxlioz for forcing me to get up off my lazy ass, drink water and write more of this hell-spawn. kidding, I havent drank water in like- a week. oh yeah, and there mayy be a teeny-tiny bit of violence in this chapter. because I cant possibly imagine them not being hostile with each other. :')

no ones POV :

It was the morning now, bright sunlight beaming through the windows. scaramouche tossed in his bed the bedsheets tangled around his pale legs. he looked up, exhausted. he had been up all night. his red eyeliner was smudged and had stained his light blue pillow. he had big black bags under his eyes, "ruining" his perfect skin. He sat up swiftly, his hands propping him up weakly. his eyes glanced wildly around the small room. his eyes then stuck on his chair, glass shards littering it. 

"wh-" he whispered, his voice breaking from exhaustion. his eyes then widened and he scowled, realizing what had happened. tartaglia had taken the broken glass and put it in his room, while he was sleeping  none the less. He pushed himself out out of bed and stood up, only for his shaky, pale legs to collapse beneath him. he hissed in pain, and his hands pushed up on the floor, shaking under his weight. his long indigo hair was tossed over his shoulder, ghosting the floor. wait. he pushed up to sit on his knees and his hands flew to his head. sure enough, there was long indigo strands of hair, tumbling down his back, ghosting the floor. his breath hitched in his throat. he pushed up with his legs, still shaking, and ran towards the door, fumbling with the lock. his hands twitched, and he flung the door open and stumbled down the hall. he ran past the kitchen, hitting the corners, forming a bruise every corner. he finally got to the bathroom and pulled the door open, the door banging against the wall behind it. he tripped into the bathroom, barely catching himself on the sink and he pulled himself up to look at himself in the blurry, cracked mirror. he was breathing heavily, his hair was layed over his pale shoulder, the rest behind him, swinging in all its glory. then a figure appeared behind him. he whipped his head around to meet the eyes of a tall man. grinning at him. 

"you," he exhaled, anger tinting scaramouches voice. "you did this didnt you." he accused. the ginger cocked his head before his bright eyes widened, seeming to have just noticed. his hands flung up in defense. 

"nah, wasnt me" he grinned, eyes gleaming. "however, I do have to thank whoever did-" he raised his hands and started running his fingers through his hair. scaramouche scowled. 

"stop that" scaramouche raised his hand and tried to smack his hand away, only for tartaglia to grab it and tighten his grip on his locks and pull back. scaramouche winced and struggled to free himself from the gingers strong grip. tartaglia chuckled and let go of the smaller man. scaramouche sighed and pushed himself off the sink, and of course, his limbs gave out and he lost his balance and tumbled into the ginger. he flushed and raised his arms to push himself off the gingers chest, but his colleague was too quick. the ginger wrapped his arms around the small man and lifted him up so their faces were only a few centimeters apart. 

"get- off me" scaramouche struggled. the ginger hugged him tightly, which made scaramouche hiss violently, though not intentionally. tartaglia smiled, his eyes crinkling in delight then he dropped the man. 

"rot in hell." scaramouche cursed. tartaglia laughed. scaramouche pushed past the ginger and walked, (though very shaky) back to his room. halfway down the hallway he collapsed again, right outside the other annoyances room. the door creaked open to reveal a tall woman, her light blonde hair tied in a loose bun, and a sleeping mask halfway off her face. 

"what are you doing." she snickered. scaramouche whipped his head in her direction, shooting a death glare at her, his hair flowing behind it, this time dusting the floor. signoras eyes trailed to his hair and stepped towards him. 

"what happened with you?" she asked, in a hushed voice, terribly concealing her laughter. she kneeled next to him and raised his head, he scowled, but didnt fight back.

"none of your concern." he drawled. her face twisted in anger and she slapped him. his breath hitched and he turned to her, his breathing heavy. 

"you bitch." he hissed, and he raised a hand to smack her, but his hand was caught, and he was pushed to the ground, with a foot to his back.

"stop it!" he shouted, anger now coating his usual voice. he struggled and managed to rip his hand from signoras grip and pushed himself up, sending the other person, who had pushed him down, stumbling backwards down the hallway. signora scowled and stood up. he pushed himself up and dusted himself off, making sure to shoot signora a middle finger and a few swears. she seethed and turned the opposite way, cursing at the person who had stepped on him. he giggled menacingly, his eyes gleaming with violence.

authors note : to be entirely honest, I wrote this in class and its not even 1k words :') anyways. just tell me to write another chapter and ill do it. hopefully.

(914 words)

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