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Y/n Pov

We stayed in the store for a bit long while Gwi-nam was making sure that no one will block our ways as we make a run for the evacuation center which is 10 miles away, I don't know how can we get there but we need to

"Is everything clear?" Su hyeok asked Gwi-nam while I was holding Jeong-Hoon's hand tightly

Gwi-nam nodded and slowly and quitely signaled us to exit the store quietly

Su hyeok handed Gwi-nam a bat for him to help him defend us

We quietly run towards every block as careful as we are Jeong-Hoon accidentally dropped his pink water bottle and it made a noise

Gwi-nam quickly grab the bottle and we run as the zombies were already chasing us

"Hurry!" Gwi-nam grabbed Jeong-Hoon and picked him up for us to run faster

We came across a shop filled with foods so we decided to hide there

We quickly got in and lock the glass door and the zombies pass while we were so quiet since they can gear any small sounds from a distance

When they were gone I sighed in relief and hugged Jeong-Hoon

"Why are you two even running?" Su hyeok asked panting heavily

"You guys are like them" He continued as he leaned against the wall

"I know that but we can't be separated" Gwi-nam said

"Our protection is on Y/n 100%" Su hyeok said looking at me

"What about you?" I asked

"I can protect myself" Su hyeok said

"It getting late let's spend the night here" Gwi-nam said and we all nodded

The night came and Gwi-nam turned off the lights so it won't attract any zombies

Jeong-Hoon was sleeping with Su hyeok in his arms while I was just right next to them

I felt that Gwi-nam got up and I turn to see what will he do

I saw him grab a newspaper on the counter and a water

He then splash the water on the glass windows and cover it with the newspaper

My memories came back when we were in school, he did the same thing when he saved me but then I remembered all the bad thing he did to me

He raped me

I was so stupid back then and was blind to see he was just playing with me, but now I can see better I can see that he loves me

I didn't notice that I was staring at him and he looked back at me

"Y/n, I know I'm hot no need to stare" He sit beside me and that made me came to my senses

"What, I was thinking of something" I turn to him

"Thinking of what?" Hw asked kissing my shoulders

"The way you treated me in school" I directly said

Gwi-nam looked at me apologetically and I smiled

"Its okay Gwi-nam, it was in the past" I cuddled with him

"I'm so sorry love" He said as ge wraps his arms around my small waist

"I know you are" I said smiling

Gwi-nam kissed my forehead and I look at him having a confused look on my face

"What?" He asked

"How did you have two eyes?" I asked

He chuckled

"Mr. Lee gave me a operation before I went here" He said

"You look handsome" I laughed

Gwi-nam wasn't laughing he just had a poker face like always so I stopped Laughing

"What's wrong?" I asked

He slowly caressed my cheeks as he stare deeply in my eyes and I smiled

"What will I do if I can't protect you Y/n ah" He said

"Its okay, Gwi-nam you can't protect me forever" I said as I caressed his cheeks too

"I'll go crazy if I loose you again" He said

"You won't loose me" I said

I kissed his lips smoothly and he kissed back cupping my face our kiss was full of love and passion

I sat on his lap as his arms traveled around my body while my arms was wrapped around his neck

Non of us was breaking the kiss, our make out session lasted for 30 minutes and we both fall asleep into eachothers arms.

I always come back 2| Gwi-nam ffWhere stories live. Discover now