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Raema POV

I woke up the next morning anxious... Things went south after we had called Scorpio with an update and honestly, it was getting worse every minute.

My division scheduled a crucial meeting later tonight to discuss how exactly we were going to handle the current situation.

Me being like the mafia Donna at this point, gets me the best seat in the house to the gun fights and drug deals we've been finding ourselves in.

All thanks to our beloved Scorpio dragging us into this whole ordeal.

Not only that... but the whole Jimin thing kinda weirded me out. Honestly, when he asked for my number I didn't think much about lying but now I do kinda wish I just gave him my number.

His smile is what attracted me to him in the first place but I'm now realizing it could be my weakness... shit... I'm interested in him.

I slap my face with both hands in an attempt to snap myself out of my daydreams and lift myself off my bed. Putting on my slippers and walking to the bathroom to clean myself up and start the day which could be quite eventful.

As i finish doing my hair and getting dressed, I pick up my phone to see 3 missed calls from Seoya.

She either doesn't give ONE shit or the whole world is in shambles. Let's find out what's the vibe today.

I dial her back and she picks up after one ring:

"Alright so, riddle me this... what rhymes with Raema and Death?" She says genuinely waiting for my response.

"What the fuck Seoya?" I chuckle and respond, "This is why you failed English in elementary school, Kid."

"FOR THE RECORD, Ms.Pumpernickle did not know how to spell her own name so that definitely set me up for failure at the get go."

"Su~~~~~uuure, now why exactly are you trying to rhyme my name with death?"

The line went silent then Seoya sighed through the phone, "Okay well here's the deal... Scorpio suggested something and I'm not supposed to be telling you but I think you should know... You are my best friend and all and I do care deeply about your——"

"Save it. What is this about, blabbermouth?" Cutting her random tangent off, I wait for her response and after 3 beats she sighs.

"WE think that you need to find a cover up for a while..."

"...like kinda... go MIA for a bit."

Well then I guess Seoya is in a 'the whole world is in shambles' vibe today... HOW FUN.


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