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"Game on, Todoroki." Elena yelled before increasing her speed. Todoroki looked up at the female before they heard explosions nearing.

Elena could hear the speakers. "So the first barrier was a piece of cake?! Well how about the second one!!" Mic yelled.

Elena rolled her eyes before teleporting to the other side of the canyon. She saluted at Todoroki before continuing. However she could feel her head begin to hurt, so she got down on the ground as she started running. She saw Todoroki and Bakugo nearing as she ran with all she had.

"Damn it!!" Bakugo yelled as he blasted through the air. "You really don't have a damn limit! Do you?!" Elena yelled as she neared the next obstacle. "Now..we've quickly reached the final obstacle...The reality here is, a minefield! It's set up so that you can tell where the mines are if you look carefully! So you have to exploit your eyes and legs!" Mic said through the speakers.

"Also, these land mines are for games, so they're not that powerful. But they're loud and flashy enough to make you wet your pants!"

Elena flinched, knowing she couldn't overuse her quirk at the start of the game. So she began running over the mines, making sure not to step on any. She heard Bakugo and Todoroki nearing. However she could see Todoroki being careful, not using his quirk. 'Hah, smart.'

As Elena ran she soon heard Bakugo's voice, however right beside her ran Todoroki. "Damn Icy Boy." Elena gritted her teeth.

"This doesn't affect me!" Bakugo yelled as he blasted his way right beside the two. "You bastards! Don't declare war to the wrong person!" Bakugo yelled as he directed his hands towards both of them. Elena's eyes widened in shock as Bakugo blasted an explosion at them.

They quickly moved to the side to dodge the explosion. "And now we have someone else in the lead! Rejoice, mass media! It's the kind of development you guys love!" The speakers yelled.

"Hey, hey, hey! The rest is also catching up!" He continued.

"Shut up! Damn Mic!" Elena yelled as she emitted a red lightning around her body before pushing the boys away from her. Bakugo and Todoroki stumbled back, not hitting a mine though. As Elena continued trying to run ahead but was pulled back by Todoroki. Elena pushed him away as she tried to keep running.

"Even as they push and pull at each other, can the three at the top remain in the lead?!" Mic yelled through the speakers.

However before the three could react, they heard a large explosion in the back. Elena looked behind her to see a big cloud of pink in the air. "What the hell?!" She yelled. The three heroes stood in their tracks as they looked at the explosion. "There's a huge explosion in the back!" Mic yelled. "What's with the force?!"

Elena looked closer at the explosion, only to see Midoriya flying. He flew in a fast speed, on a metal piece.

"Oh hell no!" Elena yelled before running forward. She levitated slightly so she wouldn't hit the mines. "You're not winning this!" She yelled.

"Was it an accident or did he do it on purpose?! Class A's Midoriya is in hot pursuit with the blast!" Mic continued.

Elena looked behind her only to see him pass Bakugo and Todoroki, closing in on her. "He's closing in on Yuuji!"

Elena felt another blast be aired as she saw Todoroki and Bakugo using their quirks to blast forward. She fully used her quirk to levitate her in a high speed.

"Deku!! Don't go ahead of me!" Bakugo yelled, reaching almost just beside Elena. "The two formerly in the lead have stopped trying to slow each other down and are now chasing the lead! Now that they have a common enemy, they stopped fighting! The fight's not over yet though!" Mic spoke.

Elena watched Midoriya's speed decrease. Elena however was now stood right in front of Midoriya's said land point. She watched Midoriya be almost stood right in between Bakugo and Todoroki. However he quickly turned around and put his feet on their shoulders, using them as support before he shoved the metal piece into the ground.

And before Elena could react, a blast was due and Midoriya was now in the lead. "You little shit!!" She yelled as she ran right behind him. She used her levitation to levitate herself just beside him. "Eraser head! Your class is amazing! What're you teaching them?!" Mic asked.

"I didn't do anything. They got each other fired up on their own." Aizawa spoke monotone into the speaker.

Elena ran ahead of Bakugo and Todoroki, however Midoriya was still in the lead.

"I'm not, fucking loosing!" She yelled as she kept levitating, trying her best to increase her speed. Before Elena could react, she saw the end of the tunnel.

"U.A Sports Festival, first-year stage! Who could've predicted the developments at the beginning or this conclusion?! Right now! The first person back in the stadium is..." Mic said.

Elena watched Midoriya's back as small tears shedded from her eyes. She knew she would most likely be punished for this at home. "Midoriya Izuku from Class 1-A!" Mic concluded, as confetti was thrown everywhere.

Elena arrived second as she watched Midoriya take a deep breath. Then she saw tears enter his eyes.

Elena quickly wiped her own tears as she looked at Bakugo. She watched him have small tears in his eyes as Todoroki stood also to the side. He had ice on his right side, showing that he probably had caught his limit.

Elena approached Bakugo. "Hey? Are you okay?" She asked softly and patted his back for support. He quickly pushed her arm away harshly, looking into her eyes.

Elena watched his arms tremble, showing that he had probably just about used his quirk too frequently. "Don't fucking touch me. Stop pretending like you fucking care and go back to you own damn shit!" Bakugo barked at her.

Elena pulled her hand back slowly. She looked at him for a second. "You did great though. So stop sulking and cheer up." Elena said, a small tear appeared in her eye as she quickly wiped it away.

Elena knew that if she didn't do the best in this, she'd probably get a full on beating at home. Elena sighed and walked away. "Yuuji!" She heard a voice say.

"Hm?" She hummed in response. She looked at Midoriya running towards her. "You did great out there! I was just lucky.." He said. Elena nodded slightly before walking away once more.

Of course she was happy. But she knew that the result would not be appreciated back at home. Hence why she wasn't all cheery.

Midoriya looked at her back, confused. He had saw the difference in her mood. 'Was she sad because of her coming in second place?' He thought.

Elena turned her head towards Midnight who began speaking. "The first game of the first-year stage is finally over! Now let's see the results!"

Elena looked at the screen, seeing herself on the second screen, meaning she came in second place. Todoroki came in third and Bakugo in fourth.

"The top 42 made it through to the next round.  It's unfortunate, but don't worry even if you didn't make it. We've prepared other chances for you to shine." Midnight began, licking her lips.

"The real competition begins next! The press cavalry'll be all over it! Give it your all!" She continued. Elena stood right beside Bakugo and Kirishima as he complimented her.

"You did great!" Kirishima said and patted her shoulder. "Yeah, I guess." She mumbled before looking at Midnight. She whipped her whip as the board soon popped up. There was the same spinning wheel as she spoke.

"Now then, here is the second game. I already know what it is, but what could it be? What could it be...?" Midnight asked, trying to excite the audience.

"I just said it, and now here it is..."

The spinning wheel stopped and showed the next game.

"Cavalry battle?!"

Words: 1343


Ciao Lovelies <3

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