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"Uraraka!" Midoriya yelled. They had arrived at the scene where Toga had attacked Uraraka and Tsuyu. "Shoji! Everyone!" Tsuyu yelled. Just then Toga jumped away from Uraraka. "There are more people now, and I don't want to be killed, so bye-bye." Toga said. Just as she was about to leave, she took a turn and looked at Midoriya.

"Wai-" Uraraka began. "It's too dangerous!" Tsuyu cut her off, stopping Uraraka from running after her. "We don't even know what kind of quirk she has!" Tsuyu warned. Todoroki decided to speak up just in that moment. "Who was that woman just now?"

"A villain, a crazy one." Tsuyu responded. "Uraraka, you're injured!" Midoriya said worryingly. "It's fine, I can still totally walk. Anyway, you're the one that-" Uraraka began, only to be cut off again. "This isn't the time to stand around and talk. Let's go, quickly." Shoji said.

"Anyways, I'm just glad that you're okay." Midoriya said. "I know! Come with us! Right now we're protecting Kacchan and Elena as we head back to camp!" Midoriya continued. Uraraka and Tsuyu looked at him in confusion.

"Ribbit? You're protecting Elena-Chan and Bakugo-Chan? Then where are they?" Tsuyu asked. "Huh? What are you saying? Kacchan and Elena are right behind-..." Midoriya began, cutting himself off when he didn't see Elena, or Katsuki with them.

"The students you're talking about-..I took them with my magic. Their talent Isn't something that should be on the hero side. We'll take them to a stage where they can shine more." An anonymous villain with a mask said, standing on a tree branch.

He showed two small blue marbles in his hand. "Give them back!!" Midoriya yelled furiously. "Give them back?" That's a strange things to say. Bakugo and Yuuji doesn't belong to anyone. They're their own person, you egoist." The villain said, putting the marbles into his pocket.

"Give them back!!" Midoriya yelled once again, just before Shoji was pushed to the side by Todoroki. Todoroki launched a huge amount of ice at the villain, but to no avail.

The villain jumped away before he spoke. "We simply want to show them that the path they're on now with its fanatical values is not the only path they can take. Kids these days are made to choose their paths based on their values." He said before landing on a tree.

Shoji looked behind him. "It's not just Bakugo and Elena! Tokoyami's not here either!" He said in worry. Todoroki looked around, realizing that too.

"To go out of your way to talk to us...you're underestimating us." Todoroki said, turning his gaze to the villain.

"I was originally an entertainer, you know. It's a bad habit of mine. Taking Tokoyami was an improvisation on my part." The villain said, showing three marbles in his hand. Uraraka gasped. "Moonrise..the man with "Blade-Tooth"...he may not look it, but he's a cutthroat on death row whose appeal was dismissed. With a violent nature that trampled that cutthroat down one-sidedly, I decided that he was good, too." The villain explained.

"You bastard! Don't take them!" Midoriya yelled, his secret anger issues showing. "Midoriya, calm down!" Shoji said. "Uraraka, take this guy!" Todoroki said, leaving the guy that Elena had left back on his shoulders before, with Uraraka. (I had a stroke writing that sentence.)

"Right!" Uraraka said, holding the guy. Todoroki walked ahead before launching a massive amount of ice in the direction of the villain. The ice covered a big part of the forest. "Sorry, tricks and running away are my only redeeming features! There's no way I'd fight students who are hero candidates." The villain began.

Just then he put his hand against his right ear and spoke. "Vanguard Action Squad! Targets successfully collected! It was just a short while, but with this, our show has come to a close! As arranged, head to the retrieval point in the next five minutes!" The villain said.

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