Ch-38 A Submissive Little Bunny Pt. 8

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Jungkook grinned after Namjoon slid his cock out of his mouth and tilted his head, raising his brows. "Did I do good, sir?"

"Very good, bunny." Namjoon nodded before patting his head. "Such a good little pet."

"I think it's time we move this into the punishment room, hm?" Jin waited for his boyfriends to agree before walking to Jungkook and grabbing his chain. "Come on, bitch boy, it's time for your real punishment to start."

Jungkook could argue that being forced to clean the whole house and kneel for hours was the real punishment and whatever they had planned for him in the actual punishment room would be more like his reward--but he chose to keep his mouth closed, not wanting to ruin anything.

He was dragged closely behind Jin and into the punishment room. He was led over to the bed and then ordered to climb on, which he immediately did. Jin then positioned him so that the lower half of his stomach was resting on a large pillow, which forced him to hold his ass up in the air, nice and pretty for everybody to see.

Much to his dismay, he was gagged again, and then blindfolded.

"Alright, slut. First things first; your spankings. You'll receive fifteen from each of our boyfriends, and then twenty-five from me. That's a hundred total. Do you think you can take that?"

Jungkook was quick to nod, arching his back and poking his ass out even further in anticipation.

Jin chuckled at how eager the bunny was. "You know what to do if it gets to be too much, don't you?" Jungkook nodded again. "Good. And do you know why you're being punished?"

If Jungkook wasn't gagged he'd be insulting Jin's intelligence for asking him questions when he knew he couldn't respond. But he was gagged, so of course, he couldn't do that which only proved his point further.

"Earlier, you were being punished for getting drunk and destroying our damn house," Jin narrowed his eyes. "Now, you're being punished for purposely getting yourself into trouble." Ah. So it seemed they all had him figured out now. "You know better than to do something stupid like that, and you know that in order to get what you want, you have to ask for it. You wanted us all to fuck you, Jungkook. Would it have really been so hard to just ask for that? Would that have been more difficult than going through all this?"

Jungkook hadn't been expecting a paddle to come down on his ass, so he jolted forward and let out a muffled yell as the stinging sensation set in. Taehyung, who'd been the one to hit him, quickly began rubbing his ass to soothe it. He wasn't used to giving out punishments, wasn't sure how hard or how soft to hit, so he'd ended up swatting him more harshly than what was usually done on the first spank. It was nothing Jungkook couldn't handle, but he sure hadn't been expecting to be crying so soon.

"Easy tiger." Jin chuckled.

The next spank was a lot softer, barely noticeable. The third was another harsh one, just a little less painful than the first one. Jungkook enjoyed the way Taehyung spanked him. It wasn't something he was used to because--Well, Taehyung never gave out punishments. He was clearly inexperienced with it, each and every spank a little different from the last. It was unpredictable and Jungkook enjoyed that.

"You decided it was necessary to come up with an entire scheme just to get something that we would've been willing to give to you if you'd just asked nicely." Jin continued, and Jungkook mentally pouted.

He came up with such wonderful plans, but damn if they weren't always found out so easily. He really needed to work on that. He needed to be able to trick them into doing things he wanted them to do without them later finding out about it. He hadn't mastered that part yet, and clearly he needed to.

He let out a loud cry--Almost a scream--as Taehyung delivered his final spank, one harder than any of the last ones had been. The boy had drawn back and slapped Jungkook's ass with the paddle as hard as he could, and Jin was shocked by how enthusiastic he was.

"This was fun!" He grinned. "I see why Yoongi hyung enjoys it so much. Hearing Jungkook's pathetic crying is like music to my ears."

Yoongi was proud of how sadistic Taehyung seemed at that moment.

"My turn!" Jimin shouted eagerly, and Jungkook groaned. As harsh as Taehyung had been, Jimin would no doubt be even harsher. The little asshole enjoyed inflicting pain on his dom more than anything! He did it every chance he got.

"Brace yourself, Kookie." Jimin chuckled eagerly before grabbing his own spiked paddle.

Unlike Taehyung, Jimin didn't go slow at all. Not that Taehyung really had, but he at least gave Jungkook a few seconds to breathe every now and then. Jimin, on the other hand, swatted Jungkook's ass--the same cheek, same spot and all--over and over again--until his fifteen spanks were up in a matter of maybe thirty seconds, although that might've been an overestimate.

Jungkook was a screaming and crying mess, nearly hyperventilating by the time Jimin was done with him, and Jin cooed as he stroked the boy's hair softly and rubbed his hand.

"You're okay, sweetheart. You're doing so good!" He told him softly.

He planned to give the maknae a little break before going on, but Jungkook had other plans.

"Please!" He muffled out. "Want more!"

Yoongi had to reposition himself on the leather couch to relieve some of the pressure he was feeling in his cock. Jungkook was reminding him a whole lot of how Hobi acted when they had their sessions in the punishment room. Begging for more pain no matter how much he was already feeling.

Jin shushed him and massaged his butt for a few seconds. Jungkook was bound to pass out if they continued at this rate, and he needed a small break whether he wanted one or not.

"Want more." He whimpered sadly.

"Be patient, bunny. And remember that you aren't in charge here. You don't get to make demands." It seemed that using spanking as a form of punishment was out of the question for the maknae too. Add him to the group, along with Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung. Isn't that funny? Not one sub could actually be punished with a spanking.

Bunch of sluts. Jin loved them.

When Jungkook's breathing was steady again, Jin gestured for Hoseok to come over.

Hobi, noticing how much Jungkook craved the pain that came along with the paddles, refused to use anything aside from his hands. He was starting to feel a little jealous of Jungkook receiving all this attention, and he wished he was the one with his ass up in the air, being punished by all his boyfriends.

"Some people have all the luck." Hobi muttered before gently tapping Jungkook's ass.

Jungkook's crying had almost completely subsided up until Hobi began teasing him with barely-there spanks, and then he was wailing again, frustration building up in him until tears were sliding down his face again.

"Isn't it such a terrible feeling?" Hobi questioned teasingly. "Wanting more and having someone refuse to give it to you? The most annoying feeling of them all. You know you deserve more than what you're getting--You know you should be spanked until your ass is bloodied and bruised, but no matter how badly you crave it, you can't get what you want. Remember how you watched Yoongi hyung punish me a few weeks ago? Remember how he refused to spank me the way I deserved to be spanked? Remember how you asked him to spank you right afterward? And I was forced to sit and listen to him giving you what I deserved."

Jungkook choked out a few sobs as Hoseok's hand brushed his ass a final time. Fifteen spanks that Jungkook barely noticed, and the way Jungkook saw it, that was fifteen spanks wasted. He'd get Hoseok for doing that to him, he promised himself he would.

Hobi walked away feeling smug and took a seat on Yoongi's lap as Namjoon went up to Jungkook next.

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