Ch-57 Punishment For Punishment; A Big Problem For Little Tae Pt.7

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The two were stripped of their clothes and engulfed in warm water a few minutes later. Tae was mostly cooperative during the bath, though he did fuss as Yoongi vigorously scrubbed his face clean and cleaned his ears, and he giggled and squirmed wildly as Yoongi washed underneath his arms.

Once they'd both been thoroughly washed of all dirt and makeup, Yoongi drained the tub and began drying them both off with a fluffy towel.

Yoongi should've seen the sudden burst of energy from the little coming, as he always seemed to become hyper after a sleepy daze. Taehyung ran out of the bathroom after Yoongi had dried him off and moved on to drying himself. Yoongi shouted after the naked boy before running after him.

The high-speed chase went on for ten minutes, Taehyung managing to outrun Yoongi quite easily as he ducked and dodged behind furniture and hid in various rooms. Yoongi threatened him with punishments as he ran and hid but that only seemed to make Tae laugh harder and run faster.

Yoongi finally caught the boy when he ran into the laundry room and was unable to make an escape before Yoongi cornered him. Yoongi scolded him for running around the house naked after taking a bath-- "You could catch a cold, and then what? You'll be very upset!"-- But made no attempt to put him in time out or anything. He couldn't punish his baby when he was just having fun!

Yoongi was exhausted as he helped the boy change into a pair of pajamas with spaceships all over them and then placed him gently on the bed. After changing into comfortable clothes himself, Yoongi crawled in next to him and Tae was quick to wrap his long limbs around Yoongi, squeezing him tightly. The boy was fast asleep the second he curled up against his dada, and Yoongi wasn't too far behind.


Usually, Tae slept for two to three hours, but today, he only got to sleep for an hour and a half before he was woken up by an uncomfortable feeling in his pants.

He was not happy to be up again, not feeling fully rested. He tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable and fall asleep again, but no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't. Tears welled up in his eyes as he let out a small sigh and a whimper.

He felt warm all over and he was starting to break a sweat, but he still buried himself deeper under the blankets and snuggled even closer to Yoongi, who was still knocked out.

Tae tried his very hardest to get back to sleep, but it proved to be an impossible task. He sniffled a few times before breaking out into full-on sobs, both grumpy because of his lack of sleep and annoyed at the pain in his pants.

Yoongi woke up a few seconds after Taehyung started crying, immediately pulling the boy closer to him and stroking his hair softly. "What's wrong, TaeTae?" He asked softly, only for Taehyung to start crying louder.

"H-Hurts!" The boy wailed.

"What hurts?" Yoongi furrowed his brows as he sat up quickly, beginning to rub the boy's stomach in case he had a stomach ache. He wiped the boy's tears away gently, only for more to slide down his cheeks a few seconds after. "Tell daddy what hurts so he can help you feel better, baby."

Taehyung's lips trembled as he ripped the covers away from his body and grabbed Yoongi's hand, placing it right on top of his...

Oh shit.

Yoongi quickly snatched his hand away and gasped as he looked down and saw that Tae was hard as a rock. His cheeks flushed as he looked away, eyes roaming around the room frantically as his brain began fucking frying.

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