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Third's POV
I saw Klau playing a game with her friends and she only had 8 shots but she couldn't balance herself anymore.

I got bottle of water and walked towards them. I saw how Fiona's face lit up when I took the shot glass from Klau's hand and straightly took the shot.

"Hey," I greeted when our eyes met.

She immediately smiled at me.

"Uy," she sounded drunk.

I just gave her a nod and I opened the water bottle.

"Here," I said and gave it to her.

"Pogi mo," she was smiling so much while staring at me.

"You're drunk," I said but she shook her head.

"Hindi ako lasing! HD nga yung kapogian mo e!" she loudly said making other people chuckle.

"I'll play with you," I said and glanced at the people playing with her.

"Wag na, kaya ko 'to mag isa!" she loudly said again.

"You're so loud," I said and held her wrist to make her hold the water bottle.

"I wasn't asking you loud woman,"

"I am playing with you,"

"That's a sentence, not a question. And I'm taking the shots from now on,"

She was still staring at me. What a weird woman.

And I like this weird woman.

I like her.

So much.

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