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I'm such an asshole for texting this to you
But my words go down the drain everytime I'm with you
Well, except when you're drunk
And I know you're not drunk now
So I can't talk to you

Lasing ka ba?

You are so beautiful when you get excited over little things.
Your smile when you feel happy makes my heart burst everytime because how can a human being be adorable as you?
I don't want you to lose that smile.
You deserve to smile and be happy.
I always kept these to myself with the fear of a lot of things.
I don't want to hurt you nor destroy or be the reason why you lose that smile.
You deserve the best things in the world.


Don't come back inside yet
I have a lot to tell you


Remember when you stayed with me in the waiting shed?
Idk if you remembered that even
But I do
I always think about that night
We didn't even talk that night
We were just sitting beside each other
Silently waiting for the rain to stop
But your presence meant a lot
And I know your Mom was waiting
But you stayed with me
And I haven't thanked you ever since
which is why I'm saying thank you now
And ever since that day,
I found myself constantly waiting for you in that waiting shed
And then my mind were full of you
For five years
It was always You Klau
My mind was full of Yous

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