How It Began

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~Bold is the person thinking~

~Night's POV~

I woke up in my bed, in my room, in the local orphanage. Now you're probably thinking "aren't you supposed to be able to leave the orphanage when you're sixteen?" Not our orphanage. We leave when we're twenty. But who wants a seventeen year old? Nobody! So I decided to run away. Tonight. When everyone's asleep. I heard a knock at my door. "Wake up you unwanted bastard!" Shit, Ms. Neomi, the person who runs the orphanage, is here. "I'm up you son-of-a-bitch!" I yelled "What did you call me?!" She yelled through the door "A son-of-a-bitch!" I yelled back "That's it! No dinner for you tonight!" She yelled "Fine! Bitch!" I heard footsteps walking away. I didn't care if I had no food. I had snacks under my bed in a chest. Ever though it's food like apples, bread, and cookies. It's good enough. Oh and stuff here can't get spoiled, if you were wondering. In this world we don't need logic. I looked outside and saw a girl and a boy, the girl looked about five and the boy looked about six. They were playing in the field and looked like they were having so much fun. And here I am with no friends, no family, and no hope. I heard a knock at the door. "Night..?" Oh, it's just Jacob, the five year old here. "Come in" I said, I heard the door open and shut. "Is it true?" Jacob asked "What?" I asked "The rumors that are saying you're running away tonight" I sighed, "Yes, they're true. No one will want a seventeen year old, there's no hope for me. But you're five and people will want you, you got so much hope" I said. I heard a sniffle. I looked behind me and saw Jacob was about to cry. "No, no Jacob. It's ok." I said and picked him up, he nuzzled his head into my neck. I felt my hoodie getting wet but I didn't care, I just wanted Jacob not to cry. "Shhh, it's ok. Everything going to be ok." I whispered and kissed his temple. Jacob's like my little brother, we're always there for each other, but now that I'm leaving, I won't be there for him anymore. Jacob stopped crying after a while. "Night. Promise me you'll come back" Jacob said "I promise, as long as you promise me you'll stay strong" I said "I promise" He said "Good. Now I think you should get some dinner" I said while looking at the time and it was time for dinner. "What about you?" Jacob asked "Don't worry about me" I said "Ok" He said and walked to the door. "Jacob?" I asked before he got out of the door, "Here" I gave him a picture of me. "I want you to have this, to remember me by" I said "Thanks. I'll miss you" He said "I'll miss you too" I said "Bye" "Bye"

~time skip till the escape~

I grabbed everything I'll need, some clothes, a toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, my phone, charger, headphones, contacts, iron pickaxe, iron axe, obsidian sword, food, torches, and bow and arrows and put them in my backpack. Before I left I walked into Jacob's room. I saw him sleeping and his teddy bear in his arms. The door squeaked when I opened it and the noise woke up Jacob. He looked at me with tired eyes. "A-Are you leaving?" He asked, tiredly. "Yeah" I whispered "Here. Take Teddy. so you always remember me" He gave me his teddy bear "I-I can't take this! It's your teddy bear and you love it so much!" I whispered/yelled "Big boys don't need teddy bears" He said. I smiled "That's my boy" I said and kissed his forehead. I put the teddy bear in my backpack and walked to the window in Jacob's room. I looked at Jacob and waved goodbye. He waved goodbye bye and I grabbed onto a vine outside the window and slide down it like it was a firefighter's pole. I walked away from the building towards the forest. I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into someone, knocking me to the ground and the girl was still standing. "Sorry. Here let me help" The voice sounded feminine. The person reach there hand down towards me. I grabbed the hand and got up. "T-thanks" I stuttered. I'm always so shy but when you get to know me, you wish I shut up. "No problem. I'm Rose by the way" The person said I looked up to see a girl with red hair. "Night" I said, I heard dogs barking in the direction of the orphanage. "Shit" I mumbled "Rose! Come with me!" I grabbed Rose's wrist and ran into a cave. "What the shit man?!" Rose whispered/yelled "I'm kinda supposed to be an orphan but I ran away..." I whispered. I heard Rose sigh, "Come with me. I promise I won't take you back to the orphanage" "Do you swear on your life?" I asked "I swear on my life" She said. I hesitantly followed her out of the cave. "We're going to the base" Rose said "Base?" "The Sky Army Base. You heard of it?" She asked "Is it that huge building right there?" I pointed at a building that looked like it was made of gold and iron. "Yep. That's the one" Rose giggled a little. "Sweet" I said, "So? What are we waiting for?! Let's go!" I ran towards the base, but stopped when a apple dropped onto my head. I looked up and saw a girl with blue hair. "Um.. Hi?" I said but it sounded more as a question. The girl looked down at me "Oh hi" She said with a smile, "I'm Blu!" "Night" She looked up at the night sky. "What about night?" She asked. I giggled a little, "No! My name is Night!" I said. "That makes more sense" Blu said. Rose ran beside me. "Night who are you..." Rose trailed off, "Blu! I haven't seen you in forever! What happened?!" Rose exclaimed. I looked at Blu's face very closely, images of Blu running away from the base flashed in my mind. "She ran away..." I said, Blu looked at me shocked "H-how did you know that?!" Blu yelled "I-I, um, lucky guess?" I said but it sounded like a question. I can't let them know my powers. They looked at me like they didn't believe me, but shrugged it off. "Blu. Why did you run away? You were so happy!" Rose asked "Because, the boy I like is there a-and he would never like me back" Blu said sadly "If you come with us we'll prove you wrong" Rose said. Blu thought for a moment, "Fine. I'll come back, but if I get heartbroken, you both will be dog food" She said and jumped down from the tree. We started walking again when I heard rustling in a bush "W-who's there?" I heard a chuckle, it sounded kinda girlish. Just then a girl with blonde hair and black highlights jumped out of a bush, knife in hand. I readied my sword along with Rose and Blu. "You've come prepared" The girl said, "Name's Shadow" She put away her knife and looked at us "Let me guess... Orphanage, Sky Army Recruit, and Run away?" 'Shadow' said "How did you-" I got cut off by the girl saying "Well, You have a sword that only orphans have. Red-hair girl over here have a gold- I mean budder sword, and blue-hair person has a nice, fresh cut on her side made by a zombie with a sword. Am I correct?" She said "How did you know that?" Blu asked. Shadow smirked "I can smell the blood coming from it and boy, does it smell delicious" She said. "Uh... That's not creepy" Blu said "You want to know what creepy is? I have a friend who eats kidneys" Shadow said "E.J?" I guessed "Yep. That's him" She said "So does that mean..?" "Yep! The creepypastas are real! And I am one of them! Shadow The Killer! Or as OffenderMan like to call me, OffenderWoman!" She giggled "Awesome!" I said "So... You guys going to the Sky Army Base?" Shadow asked "Sure are!" Rose said "Can I come with? I promise I won't kill anybody unless they piss me off!" Shadow begged. Rose was about to say something but I cut her off "Of course you can! I'm Night by the way!" Rose gave me a looked that said what the fuck are you doing?! I giggled "That's Rose and that's Blu!" Rose hit my arm, "Ow! What the hell man?!" I yelled "You can't tell random people our name! Did your parents ever teach you that?!" I frowned "I never met my parents..." I mumbled loud enough for them to hear me. I felt a pair of arms around me "It's ok, I never met my mother" It was Shadow. "Thanks for the help but could you get off of me before people think we're gay or some shit" I said "No" She hugged me tighter "You know? If I can't move, we can't go to the Sky Army Base?" She got off me, "Finally" I groaned "What are you waiting for?! Let's go!" Shadow yelled and ran towards the base. I giggled and ran after her, Rose and Blu right behind me. We caught up to Shadow and started walking and talking. "So, Night, how long have you've been in the orphanage for?" I heard Rose ask "Twelve years" "How old are you?" Blu asked. I froze, "Seventeen" I mumbled "Oh..." It was silent after that and it stayed silent till we got to the base.


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