Meeting Sky And Others!

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~Night's POV~

Rose, Blu, Shadow, and I walked into the Sky Army Base. "Wow..." I said in awe. This place was fucking huge! And shiny... Well that's one downside but it's still awesome! "Here! We need to show you to Sky!" Rose yelled and pulled my arm to this huge hallway, where we met this dude with sunglasses, brown hair that has a small ponytail in the back, a black armor set, a golden amulet with a purple amethyst in the middle of it. A dude that looked like a fluffy animal, a Chewbacca? In a tuxedo and a dude in a black and red checkered jacket, caramel hair, blue pants, black and white shoes, and a dog tag. The guy with the sunglasses smiled when he saw Rose and me. "Hey Rose! Who's this?" The guy asked "This is Night! A girl who ran away from the orphanage!" I waved a little "Nice to meet you Night! I'm Sky! This is Jerome and that's Mitch" Sky pointed to the two guys he was talking to. "Hey" they said at the same time. #Merome One of the voices inside my head said. "Hey" I said, "Nice to meet you" "Oh! And that's not all Sky!" Rose said "Hmm?" "Shadow! Blu! Get your asses down here right now!" Shadow ran to us while Blu shyly stepped by me. "Blu?" Mitch said "Hey Mitch. Long time no see? Huh?" Blu asked, she sounded kinda nervous but I just thought it was my imagination. "Yeah! Where have you been?" Mitch asked "Around.." Blu replied "Anyways, this is Shadow!" Rose said "Sup" Shadow said, "Do you have a library or something in this place?" "We do" Sky said "This place is awesome already!" I giggled "So? Can they be recruits? Please?" Rose begged like a dog who wants a treat "Of course! We're always looking for new recruits!" Sky said "Yay!" Rose jumped up and down like a fangirl who just found out that the OTP was a 'thing'. "Rose!" I grabbed her shoulders trying to get her to stop jumping, "Rose! Calm the fuck down!" Rose took a few breaths before saying "Ok. I'm calm" I sighed, "So where will we sleep sir?" I asked "Please call me Sky" Sky said "Ok Sky" "Now we still have Blu's room. I think we have a room that will suit Shadow and we have a room by there's but I'm not sure if it will suit you, Night" Sky said "Anything is better then the room I slept in at the orphanage" I said "Jerome? Can you show Shadow to her room?" Sky asked "Of course!" Jerome looked at Shadow "This way ma'am" Shadow gave him a seriously? look "Don't call me ma'am. That makes me sound old" Shadow said "Ok. This way!" They walked in some direction "Blu? I guess that you still remember where your room is?" Sky asked "Not really... I haven't been here in a year so I don't remember much" "I'll show her!" Mitch pipped up "Ok Mitch. Take her to her room" Blu and Mitch walked away, forwards her room I guess. "Night. I would show you to your room but I have to go to a meeting with my friend, Jason and since Rose is talking to Ty over there-" I looked behind me to see Rose talking to a emo hair guy-" I will need to get someone and I know just the guy!" He grabbed his phone and face timed (Or Skyped) someone. I heard a voice through the phone "Hello?" "Hey! Tyler? Would you mind showing a girl to her room please?" "Why can't you do it?" "Because I have a meeting to go to!" The guy sighed "Fiiinne! Where are you guys?" "In the main hall" "Ok be there in a minute" Sky hung up the phone. "Ok. I got to go to the meeting now. Stay here and wait for Tyler to get here. Ok?" I nodded "Good" And with that he walked to a person wearing a blue spacesuit, Jason I guess. Leaving me to wait for a guy that I don't even know. Great. Just great. I sighed and got out my phone and headphones and started listening to my favorite song ever, Follow Me by TryHardNinja aka the best singer ever! It would be great to meet him one day. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to be face to face with a boy with thick black glasses, a checkered shirt, similar to Mitch's but this one is red and gray, a white shirt underneath, blue jeans, black shoes, shaggy brown hair, and blue/brown eyes (The thing is in some pictures there blue and in some there brown!). I paused my music and looked up at him, "Yeah?" I asked "Are you Night by any chance?" The boy asked "Yeah.. Are you Tyler?" The boy smiled "Yes I am. Nice to meet you!" He said "You too! Now can you please show me to my room?" I asked "Sure thing! This way!" He grabbed my wirst and dragged me into the hallway east of where we were at. We stopped at a room that had an electric blue door with a black heart that looked like it was melting on it. I walked inside the room and it was huge! I'm not even sure is this a room! It's more of a house! It had a electric blue floor, black walls, purple roof, a blood red trimming, the bed in the corner had a purple pillow, black bedding, electric blue blankets, and a spruce heading and footing. The room had a closet, a bathroom, a mini kitchen (For if you get hungry before dinner/lunch/breakfast), And a freaking chandelier! Which is a black chandelier, like the one you would see in scary movies. The room also had a computer, outlets, Xbox 360 and a Playstation 4 and 3, and a movie player. I plopped onto the bed, "This place is awesome!" I yelled and heard Tyler chuckle. "Yeah. Sky has a talent for knowing what people like at first sight" I looked at him "So that means he can stalk people better?" Tyler laughed "I guess so" I giggled "So... Tyler? Tell me 'bout yourself" I said and looked at Tyler, who was leaning in the doorway, looking at the floor. "Well when I was five I found a passion for acting and I started creating characters in my head and I would make shows for my parents and act as the characters I made up. I thought it was fun but I didn't really fit in at school but that's when my school started the Drama Club. That's where I met Jason, before we met, I got bullied but Jason protected me and he's still my friend through it all" Tyler looked at me "What about you?" He asked. I thought for a bit, seeing that I never really went outside the orphanage much. "Well.. I never spent anytime out of the orphanage so..." "Did you have any friends in the orphanage?" Tyler asked "Yeah. My friend Jacob or the Cookie Monster, as I like to call him because he would eat all the cookies before I got one, but who could blame him? He's only five. He was like my little brother and I just left him at that orphanage, alone. OH GOD WHAT DID I DO?!?!" I sobbed and felt a pair of arms wrapped around me. "It's not your fault-" "YES IT IS!" (Shadow: Calm yo' tits woman!) "Night, listen. I know a way to get that orphanage out of business and have all the kids as recruits" Tyler said "H-How?" My voice cracked "Every year we have this Annual Talent Show and the winner gets one wish that Sky can grant but it can't be like eternal life or some shit like that. But your wish for all the orphans to be recruits is doable" He said "When is it?" I asked "In a month or so. You can write to Jacob till then" I hugged Tyler "Thank you" "No problem" "You're a good friend. You know that?" I said "Don't mention it" We stopped hugging and I looked at the mini-kitchen. "You hungry?" I asked "Kinda" "Ok then. What do we have in here..?" I said and opened the cabinets. "Want a toaster strudel?" I asked "Sure" I put the strudels in the toaster and started to cook them. Once the were done I made glasses out of icing on the one for Tyler and a creeper face on mine, to tell them apart. "Here you go" I handed Tyler his "Thanks" "No problem" I said and took a bite out of mine. "So do you know anything about your parents before you were sent to the orphanage?" Tyler asked "Well... I remember having five brothers. I don't think I ever saw my mother and my dad was always at work" "Five brothers?! I can't even handle my little sister and my other older brother!" "Who are they?" I asked "My little sister is a two years younger than me and her name's Shelby and my brother is a year older than me and his name's Kyle" "They sound nice" I complimented "Yeah..." He sounded kinda doubtful "I'm guessing you had a bad past as children?" "Yeah Kyle didn't really like me dating anyone till I was 15 and Shelby till she was 16" "Sounds like something a normal brother would do" I said "Yeah.. I guess you're right" It was silent then until we were done eating and I heard someone tap on the window, which was by the bed and had a blood red outlining. I looked outside the window to see a look-a-like of the famous Link. I quickly opened my window "Ben?!?! How did you know I was here?!?!" I asked "I saw a girl with red hair take you here" He said "Stalker. Now what do you want?" "Have you seen my friend Shadow? Slender can't find her anywhere! We even yelled cheesecake and she didn't come!" He sounded worried. "Hold on" I ran back to my door and looked out the hallway. Shadow's talking to Jerome, perfect. "SHADOW!!!!! A DUDE WANTS TO SEE YA!!!!" I yelled "OK BE THERE IN A SEC!!!" She yelled back. I watched as she said something to Jerome and run over to me. "Where is this dude?" I pointed behind me at Ben. "Ben?! What the fuck are you doing here!!" Shadow yelled, walking up to the window. I smiled at Tyler, who was watching this whole thing play out in shocked. Probably from Ben's eyes because they were like black voids with red dots as his pupils, oh, also they were dropping out blood. "I'm here to bring you home! Slender's worried sick!" "I'm not going back! I like it here!" Shadow yelled "What's here that you don't have at home?!" Ben yelled back "Family that cares! Friends that hear me out! People don't care if I kill or not! People that care about me! Not how many people I killed!" Shadow yelled. They kept yelling at each other and I started to get a headache. I got headaches before when a orphan and Ms. Neomi got into a fight. But this one was bad. Real bad. I started to feel dizzy, "G-Guys" I said before passing out onto Tyler's lap.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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