(Song): Lifeography

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Hey I know it's been a while
But I need to speak
I've got stuff to file
Might take more than a week
Turning, changing
Moving, though it usually seems bleak
(Verse 1):
Ay ay
Where you going today
My life has been a biography
Something inside of me
Going hard
Can't loose track of the goal
Gotta work hard and stay whole
Gotta wake up
Get changed
We all know the deal
Eat and start on another day
We work, we move, we rush
We finish our work
Get home
Do whatever
And go to bed
Or some late night studying
Then we wake back up
It's the same day after day
(Verse 2):
Ay ay we know its true as blue
But what to do
We've got to make our lives biographies
That people will someday read
Not just sitting around
Working the town
In a melancholy, nostalgia
I know I've already told ya
But so what
Let's make some lifeographies
Gotta wake up
Get changed
We all know the deal
Eat and start on another day
We work, we move, we rush
We finish our work
Get home
Do whatever
And go to bed
Or some late night studying
Then we wake back up
It's the same day after day
But let's change the play
Get started on a new way
It's all I can say
(Verse 3):
Why am I still singing
I need to get on
Working a new song
Making my own lifeography
Is truly apart of me
Because life is something
That you never get back
Life and time are a synonymous fact
I get it
Your life may not seem like
That it's alright
Because things get hard
People change
It's usually pretty much the same
Kinda lame
But remember
To help yourself
You first help others
Not just in the summers
Or in the chill
Of a winter spill
Make a life that will count
Because when everything truly amounts
It's something you'll look back on
And we will all sing along
So ay ay
Let's start a new page
What do ya say

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