Untitled Part 4

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sora slowly opened her eyes to see a pair looking back at hers. jeno was laying next to her on his belly, his head turned towards sora, his eyes turning into crescents. 

sora had let him sleep over for a night since he had missed the last bus, as he was hanging out with her. they came back around 5 am. their stroll induced exhaustion didn't let them change into something comfortable after coming back home, so they slept with their clothes on, on a bed sorted a few hours back.

"good morning" jeno said quietly with his morning voice.

"good morning" sora replied with a whisper, which made jeno smile.

an exchange of greetings was followed by a quiet half an hour. the silence was crushed by shifting sounds of jeno getting up. sora did the same. and soon the bed was empty. they both entered the kitchen without saying a word with slow and steady steps. 

jeno and sora started making food together for both of them to eat. jeno turned the gas on, sora put the pan on the gas, jeno poured the oil, sora cracked the eggs onto the pan. while jeno was taking care of the eggs, sora took out a plate and a few pieces of bread. jeno put the fried eggs on the plate and got two forks. 

the two ate from the same plate while standing up. jeno looked at sora. he fed her. she fed him. these gestures made them both laugh.

it was soon time to say goodbye.

"i'll see you"

"see you" sora smiled at the waving boy and closed the door.

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