Untitled Part 6

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sora and jeno were sitting on the bench, eating ice cream.

"can i try?" jeno asked sora while glancing at the ice cream in her hand.

sora nodded and moved her ice cream closer to his face.

jeno tasted it "mmmm! this is nice" he said excitedly.

sora put her legs on the bench and hugged them with her free arm, continuing to eat her ice cream. she was fully concentrated on her snack, she didn't even notice jeno pick up his phone and earphones. he handed sora one piece and turned on the music.

slow music was complementing the sounds of their surroundings. the kids were running around, grinning, showing all of their few teeth. jeno and sora were watching them make their core memories. they were glad to be there. with each other.

as the music faded away the two looked at each other into their eyes. every other sound seemed to have stopped. they have fully captured each others' eyesight, minds

and hearts

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