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Zoro stares out the window of the crows nest. It's good to be back home. Zoro watches as they sail through the sea. 

They've been back on the crew for two weeks now. Nothing has really changed, expect for having the crew around. He'd find himself in the galley wanting to be close to Sanji for no real reason besides he just wanted to, Sanji never complained. The blonde welcomes it actually. But the crew slowly caught on that they have some sort of relationship. It doesn't help that Sanji makes dinner a little early so he can sit down with Zoro to talk and more than once they've been stared at because of how happy they are sitting with each other. 

They'd laugh at each others jokes, talk about some of the things that happened on the island. The others would love to join in but they were completely lost on what the two were talking about. Which didn't bother the two at all. They created their own bubble and they wanted to keep it that way. 

They also end up sleeping in the soldier dock system more than their own bucks. The others don't know about that because by the time they wake up and walk into the galley Zoro and Sanji are in there eating as they wait for the others. 

The only time Sanji has ever been late making breakfast was that one time. 

Which they learned that Sanji's cock inflating at the base is called a knot. It's to keep the two locked together, which they can confirm. And once told that is has to do with the alpha and omega part of them it made sense. There was no other questions about it. Though the little doctor does have some of his own. Why did Sanji's start knotting now? Or maybe he always does when he has sex with Zoro but it wasn't told to him because they never remembered until they were done. But that begs another question what makes this time different?

When Zoro was telling the doctor when he first saw it, it would seem Zoro was willing to do that, embarrassed but still willing. 

Then there's the bite marks on both Sanji and Zoro. They won't go away. He noticed it when Sanji and Zoro unlocked from each other and were taking a shower. It didn't stand out because they were both littered with marks but now it is when the marks on both their bodies have changed position but those. A bite mark on Sanji's shoulder and one on Zoro's nape. Those haven't changed. 

"Marines!" Usopp shouts from where he sat with Luffy fishing. Zoro looks over to the open window to see that there are ships coming towards them. Two large ones. Zoro grins. He hasn't fought in a long time. Zoro puts away the weights he was using in their spot, then grabs his jacket, putting it on to hide the marks Sanji had made the night before. Grabbing his swords, he puts them in their spot before he leaps out the window, landing perfectly on his feet, standing up straight as he joins the others on deck. He takes a step towards his friends when a large pain erupted in his stomach. 

The swordsman pauses as he leans slightly forward, one hand on his stomach, where the pain was. Zoro bites his lips to not draw attention to himself. One second it hurt then the pain is gone. Zoro takes a breath and continues to move. It's been like that all day. Ever since he woke up, the pain would happen, it hasn't gotten worse but it hasn't gone away. 

And right now he didn't want to be told to stay out of the fight. He hasn't fought in a very long time and he wants this. He needs a test. 

"I'll take one ship." Zoro answers, crossing his arms over his chest, the zipper of his jacket not zipped all the way up. 

"Then who wants to be on the other one?" Nami wonders. 

"Me!" Luffy shouts raising his hand up in the air excitedly. Nami shakes her head, that is obvious. 

"Then that means we don't have to fight right?" Usopp wonders, hopefully that is the case. Nami gives him a nod. 

"Luffy and Zoro are fighting today, the rest can relax."  

"Yay! Come on Zoro!" Luffy shouts happily, wrapping one arm around Zoro's waist and the other reaching forward to the railing, stretching his arm. 

"Wait Luffy!" Zoro shouts trying to get out of the hold, bad feeling accompanied by the pain in his stomach again. "I'm going on a different-!" Zoro starts to shout but Luffy doesn't pay attention and launch them both to the same ship. Zoro can faintly hear the others telling them 'have fun' or 'good luck' as they fly in the air.

They land like a meteor on one of the ships. Luffy stands up like he didn't fly at the speed of sound and crash onto wood. Zoro groans from the landing and the slight pain which grew tenfold since he was on the Sunny. "You take this one, I'll go on the other one." Luffy says smiling at him as he got to his feet. When he looks up he sees Luffy running towards the other ship. He sees Luffy launch himself. 

"Die Pirate!" A marine shouts. Zoro shakes his head, got to keep his head in the game. He quickly unsheaths Wado and starts slicing up marines. 

He's doing good, after having not fought anyone but animals and prey for what seems like forever. He's going a little slow but he knows it's because of the pain in his stomach. He doesn't know if it's because of Luffy or not but the pain is getting worse and worse, biting his lips isn't helping anymore. Stabbing and slicing up the marines also isn't helping with the pain. Again, he doesn't know if Luffy made it worse or if it would have gotten worse even if he didn't fight but it has and it's getting unbearable.  

Zoro slicing the marine, stepping over his body as he goes for the next guy. He wants to hurry and get this over with. He should have let someone else volunteer. Right now all he wants to do is lay on the bed Sanji and he have been using and cuddle in the warmth of the blankets, maybe have some of the blondes shirts and blazers around. That sounds amazing! He really wants that right now. 

Zoro drops all of his swords, screaming in pain as he falls to his knees. Arms wrapped around his stomach. Holy shit that was painful, and even now it wasn't as bad but it still hurts. Zoro looks up to see the marines taking his weak moment as an opportunity. Zoro tried to reach for his sword but couldn't, and his vision is getting blurry he couldn't focus it. He knows he is in danger but doesn't have anything else up his sleeve. He doesn't even have a knife to use, even a butter knife would have been better. 

Zoro looked up to see a marine heading straight for him, he frowns at the man, this is not how he's going to die. Before Zoro knew it something, like a wave, came out of him. If felt powerful but untrained, it is stronger than he wanted it to feel. And he's felt it before but doesn't know when. He does know he's been on the receiving end of it. Conqueror's Haki. He thought only Luffy knew how to use that. Was it Luffy? Zoro gets up looking around but he doesn't see Luffy so it couldn't be him. Did that come from him? 

Wait he could use Conqueror's Haki? Since when? 

Zoro lets out a blood curdling scream before he could think to much about it. He falls on his side as he held his stomach, curling into a ball hoping that would help make it stop, at least ease the pain by a lot. 

Fuck, it feels like he is going to die. 

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