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"Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose"

-Kevin Arnold


Suddenly I was aware of the metal screeching that filled my ears, and the cold shadows that surrounded me. I quickly opened my eyes, ready to take in all of my surroundings but was met with darkness. My eyes adjusted to the blackness, and I was able to make out outlines of what looked like crates all around me. Metal pressed against my back, giving no support nor comfort.

I wanted to scream for help, as loud as I could. But every time I tried, barely anything came out. My voice was small and insignificant to the ever-growing noise of the metal.

At once the box slammed to a stop, and I stumbled back into my corner, hitting my head.

Brother, I had a brother.


I tried to grasp onto that thought but it was slowly slipping from my memory. With this in mind, I realized I couldn't remember anything. My name, my friends, my family, my age, my life. Nothing. Racking my brain wasn't doing a thing for my present memory loss.

My breathing was short and ragged, anxiety-filled my body as the stillness washed over the cage. I was so focused on trying to stay calm I didn't notice the crack in the ceiling above.

Abruptly a blinding light pierced through the crack filling the entire box. I sunk back further into the corner using my arms to shield the light from my adjusting eyes.

"Is there anyone in there?"

"Can't buggin tell"

"In the corner!"

"I'll hop down"

Before I could even register the voices, someone jumped down into the cage with me. Although my back was pressed as far into the corner, I tried to hide. My one knee was pressed to my chest, hiding most of my face.

As I looked at whoever had jumped down, I was met with harsh eyes. They suddenly softened when they took in the person in front of them.

"Holy shuck it's a girl"

"Bloody hell"

"A girl?"

The large man, no boy, he couldn't have been more than 14 or 15, crouched down next to me. I took in his appearance, he was tall and had a buzzcut. His eyebrows were quite arched and he seemed incredibly muscular.

"Hey, hey it's alright," he said softly, holding out his large hand.

I put my knee down and sat up a bit, finding a bit of comfort in his voice.

"My name is Gally, and I can help you out of here if you'd like."

The only thing that I could do was nod slightly and grab his hand, mine felt tiny in comparison to his. The boy helped me stand up in the cage, and then he looked upward out of it.

It hit me that I hadn't even seen what was above the opening. Boys. Not a ton. Maybe 10 or 15 at most.

A dark-skinned boy stepped to the front of the group and smiled slightly. He leaned down and held out both of his arms, signaling for me to grab them. This boy must have seen the slight hesitation in my eyes because,

"We won't hurt you. Just grab my arms and step on Gally's hands"

I looked down and saw Gally leaning down holding his hands out in a makeshift step for me. I did what I was told and was suddenly on grass. Behind me, the boy, Gally, jumped out of the box and stepped to my side.

"My name is Alby and welcome to the glade," said the darker-skinned boy as he introduced himself.

"This shank is Harrison," the boy he pointed to must've been only 14 and had dirty blonde hair and seemed to have dirt all over his face. "That's Frypan," the boy was again only 14, darker-skinned, and had a warm smile on his face. "That shank is Winston and next to him is Clint," he said pointing to another two boys. "Those three are George, Nathan, and Jack," gesturing to three boys on the other side of me. "And if you can actually understand this slinthead, his name is Newt," the boy in question rolled his eyes while Alby continued on. "You already met Gally and I think that's it."


My attention turned to a boy who wasn't introduced, he had jet black hair and piercing blue eyes. As our eyes met a sense of familiarity washed over me, and as he smiled I realized I knew him. I wasn't sure where or when but I had met this boy before.

"This egotistical maniac is Minho," Alby commented with sarcasm.

Minho rolled his eyes and playfully hit Alby on the arm before extending his hand outwards for me to shake. I couldn't help it but I took a step back, scared of the physical contact but instead, I stepped into Gally.

My head whipped around and met the green eyes again,

"Sorry" I muttered before turning to the slightly hurt blue-eyed boy.

I held out my hand to him hoping he would forgive my sudden actions.

"I'm I- I can't remember, but it's nice to meet you."

"Well, I can't remember, the pleasure is all mine," the boy said playfully in his voice, shaking my hand. 

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