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"They've promised that dreams can come true,

But forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams, too"

-oscar wilde 


After the tears had dried on my face and I had found a comfortable position, I drifted off into an uneasy sleep. The cool air settled around my bed as I violently woke up.

But I was no longer in the safety of the homestead, I was standing in a sort of office, watching two people argue. The first was a middle-aged woman with blonde hair, wearing a white lab coat. She seemed tense and angry, sitting behind the desk that separated her from the second person. The woman was arguing with what seemed to be only a 13-year-old girl. She had a h/c ponytail and striking e/c eyes. If I thought the woman was mad, this girl seemed to be livid. Her face in an expression that could kill. Realizing that this must be some sort of dream, I started to wonder who these people were. They surely weren't in the glade. Promptly, after hearing the small girl's voice I realized, she was a younger me.

"DON'T YOU DARE HURT HIM" the girl yelled.

Him? Who was him? The other lady didn't even flinch, looking straight at the girl.

"Please," my younger self said in a softer voice, she seemed to be desperate. "Don't hurt him, it wasn't his fault. It's mine, it's mine, it's mine," by this point there were tears running down her cheeks.

The lady looked sternly at the girl, "Y/N, what you both did was unacceptable I cannot-"

Before the lady finished her sentence I woke up to someone gently shaking me. My eyes shot open and I sat straight up, scanning my room quickly. Terror coursed through my veins as my breath ran ragged, my chest heaving from what I had witnessed.

"Hey, hey it's just me," someone said beside me.

I whipped my head around to meet Newt, his face contorted in an expression filled with worry. He gently put his hand on my shoulder and looked sternly at me. It occurred to me that I never really talked to the blonde last night, but his presence was oddly comforting.

"Are you ok?"

"I- I- I remember my name Newt. I remember," recalling the events in that dream. I started smiling, feeling proud that I knew my name.

"Well then, what is it shuck face?" Newt asked while starting to laugh at my smile.

"My name is Y/N"

"Y/N, it's a pleasure to meet you," he said, holding out a hand to shake with a smug grin.

I grabbed his hand and shook his hand exaggeratedly causing him to roll his eyes.

"C'mon shank I gotta show you something"

I stood up from my bed and quietly followed him out of the homestead. The fresh air of the glade engulfed me, and sent shivers down my body, the sun was just starting to rise. My eyes adjusted to the dim light as I scanned for where the openings in the walls should be, but to no avail, they were still closed.

"Here," Newt said while tossing something towards me. It was a ratty brown hoodie, but it would be sufficient in keeping me warm. I pulled it on, thankful for something to warm me up. By the time I had put it all the way on, Newt was walking away.

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