Author's Note

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Well, we've made it to the first BIG ONE. This story is the momentum shift that will drive the rest of the "P O W E R : S T R U G G L E" series. "Lost" and the stories that immediately follow are the base camps to this Everest's peak. They set up the climax, which shouldn't be too far away. I estimate only about seven more stories total to close out the "Safe Haven Saga"; then we'll see where it goes from there.

It's the beginning of the end. Fisi's showing his hand, and the Protectors are all in. Is the reward worth the risk? Or will the ace up Fisi's sleeve be the death of them?


Let's see how high the Phoenix can fly before she falls...


29. P O W E R : LostNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ