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JUNE 2024

The sound of laughter, glasses clinking, and classical string music floated through the air as those gathered together celebrated holy matrimony. It was the wedding day of Dan Darren and Kim Darren (née Kingsley)—and no one was more relieved than the Protector Force. For once it was quiet—for once, not even a petty crime had been committed—and for once, they were able to have some (mostly) anxiety-free fun.


B-Team member Damian Beelzly (who had almost certainly not been invited to the wedding) downed a glass of champagne and let out a satisfied sigh. "Now this," he declared, "is the life."

"Amen," Zillion "Zill" Martinez (A-Team) agreed, raising his own glass. "No gangs, no cults, no crazy guys in masks—just absolute chill."

"I wouldn't say 'absolute'," Alexis Marnozal (B-Team and Zill's sister) remarked, sticking her fork into her slice of cake. "This could just be the calm before the storm."

"Don't be so pessimistic, luv!" Kayla Christling-Martinez (A-Team, Zill's wife) scolded her. "Let us enjoy this. First break we've had in a while, after all."

"I agree," Gustav Gray (A-Team) concurred, tapping the rim of his glass. "We've earned some worry-free downtime."

"Right," Camilla Gray (C-Team candidate, Gustav's wife) said with a laugh, walking up behind Gustav and throwing her arms over his chest. "The only thing you need to worry about is how well you remember your waltz practice," she purred in her husband's ear.

"Camilla, wait!" Gustav protested as the Cervidian dragged him out of his chair. "I haven't finished my wine!"

"And that's why I'm never getting married," Winter Sky (E-Team) stated from where he sat, pointing at Gustav and Camilla with his fork.

"Aw, c'mon, Win," Summer Sky (E-Team, Winter's older sister) said teasingly, mussing his hair. "If you don't get married, who'll remind you to pick up your underwear?"

"Shows what you know! When I'm grown up, I'm not wearing underwear!" Winter shot back triumphantly.

This, of course, drew a collective groan of disgust from everyone at the table while Winter cackled with glee.

"You think we should've sat somewhere else?" Cameron Walden-Wallace (A-Team leader) asked her husband Zechariah (Chief Peacekeeper) with a wry smile.

"Actually, I think this was the best spot. Considering Liam's about that age, I assume we'll be hearing quite a bit of potty humour ourselves," Zechariah replied, amused. "Best to get used to it, eh?"

"I thought you would've heard enough of it from Damian and Zill," Cameron joked.

"Hey! I never do toilet jokes!" Zill replied defensively. "My fortes are one-liners and sick burns!"

"Keeping it clean is our solemn duty," Damian added with a grin.

Zill scowled at Damian and crossed his arms as everyone laughed. "I hate you," he muttered.

Victoria Keane (B-Team leader, codename "Venganza") scoffed. "So immature," she remarked to Teadora Torrascassana (B-Team, codename "Tentadora"). "No one actually found that funny, did they?"

"Of course they did! Damian's always been wonderful at tickling the funny bone!" Teadora (who was also Damian's former nanny) gushed, pinching Damian's cheek.

"Quit it, Tenta!" Damian wailed, trying to pull away.


Custos Ferrus Drake (D-Team leader, alias "Fitch Ferris") sighed heavily as he watched the wedding guests enjoy the festivities. "Still clear?" he asked, glancing to his right.

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