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"I—I don't understand," Fitch stammered, looking as shell-shocked as the rest of the dragons as he holstered his weapon. "How—how are you... here?"

"That's a long story," Safiya replied, stepping closer to Fitch in a somewhat tentative manner. "I'll tell it if you let me. But you'll need to follow us to the Peacekeeper Court in the A! District."

Fitch stared at her wordlessly, unable to bring himself to respond. A tear trickled from his eye, glistening in the darkness of the apartment.

Swallowing hard, Safiya reached out a trembling hand and rested it on his face. "Oh, Ferrus," she whispered, "it's been far too long..."

At last, Fitch reacted—by drawing Safiya into an embrace and kissing her all at once. Behind him, the dragon brothers put down their weapons and stood, one by one, looking equal parts overjoyed and anxious.

After a moment, Safiya pulled away from Fitch and looked around at the others. "Boys? Come here!" she ordered with a tearful smile, spreading out her arms.

Cameron couldn't hide a smile of her own as the other three Draconians hurried over to Safiya and grabbed her in a huge group hug.

"Defensor! Malcom! Mordecai!" Safiya practically sobbed, her arms and wings wrapping around the three. "I've missed you all so much!"

"We—we missed you too, Saf," Hatchet choked out as Safiya pulled back and beamed at them. "I mean, we—we know you've been here the whole time, but... just to see you again..."

"It's like seeing a ghost," Marx murmured, taking Safiya's hand in his.

"How have you been? What was it like living inside of Cameron? Did you do everything she did? Like, when she went to the bathroom, were you doing the same—"

Safiya clamped her free hand over Malcom's mouth and kissed him on the forehead. "I see you haven't changed one bit, Malcom," she remarked, patting the thirdborn's cheek.

Meanwhile, as his brothers reunited with his lost love, Fitch leaned against the wall, still looking as if he couldn't believe what was happening. He turned to Cameron, who was watching with a big smile on her face. "Forgive me for putting a damper on the reunion, Cameron," he said to her in a hushed voice, "but I have a feeling the circumstances surrounding Safiya's return are... less than ideal."

Cameron glanced at him, her smile falling away. "Your feelings are spot-on, Guardian," she responded. "Since Safiya and I aren't bound together anymore, I... I lost my powers."

"How?" Fitch asked, trying not to look at Safiya as he began to shake again.

"Fisi's tower," Cameron answered. "It somehow siphoned our abilities and redirected them into him. Of course, we don't have any solid proof of this, so retaliating legally is a no-go."

"Right. As usual." Fitch nodded, wiping his face with a hand. "So it's a Code 'Icarus' then."

"You got it."

"And that's why we're going to the Court?"


Fitch fell silent, finally looking at Safiya again. She had finished getting reintroduced with the others and was now staring at Fitch intently, her birdlike gaze filled with love and worry.

"You know," Fitch told Cameron quietly, still staring at Safiya, "I could be arrested. Xirxine's still on my tail for what happened with the Director."

Marx narrowed his eyes as Cameron replied, "I have a feeling the chairpersons will nullify the warrant for your arrest. This is a special case, after all."

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