Chapter 2

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Location: A small house an hour away from the old abandoned building.

Ah! 1961, what a TIME to be ALIVE! Well, not entirely, but more on that later. Oh, you want to know my name? You're not getting it until the end!

I'm sure you're wondering what age I am. I'm 7 years old and a girl. If you didn't read the end of the first chapter, I was mentioned! So, throughout this chapter, you're going to listen to my story!

Enough of that, Right now, it's early morning! My parents are asleep, and so is my sister. Do you know that one building that was "abandoned"? Guess what, I've been going there almost half the day, every month!

I go there because of the "ghosts". I never believed that. I'm staying there for the entire day, and today only. I don't want my parents to think I've gone missing! That would be tragic.

I look at the time and see that it's 5 in the morning. PERFECT! I told my old folks that I was staying at a friend's house, and they totally believed it! Maybe I won't get caught, but they don't come by here anyway. So, I climbed out of the window in my bedroom after getting ready and headed out to the building.

It's not a long walk. If I run, it's only an hour away. Every time I walk over there, I almost feel like it's the end for me. Like, I'm going to die. I'm familiar with death, I've seen people die. My grandparents were the first few who died that I saw, but it was so random. The way they died, I mean.

Grandma stopped breathing when she saw my parents and collapsed to the floor, and Grandpa was really pale and skinny. When I saw him last time, he looked like a skeleton. I didn't understand why at the time, but when I asked, my parents said that Grandma had a weak heart, and Grandpa was always pale and skinny. Enough of that, now I'm at the front of the building. It looks janky, but when I grow up, I want to fix it so it can be livable again!

I stayed on the first few floors when I came by, but now I'm going to go visit all the floors. That includes the 2 basement levels! My body climbs up the staircase to the top floor. It was a pain, but it's better than nothing. I open the doors to the 'Murder Rooms' and look inside. Everything looks so dusty.

It looks cozy, though. I think there's money in here, and a couple more things that can be sold for big money. I grabbed a bag that I found before and rummaged through the rooms, finding jewelry, cash, coins, and other valuables.

I guess the police didn't bother to take the stuff. Oh well, it's mine now! I do the same in other rooms, I think I might need another bag. It's been about 5-6 hours, and it's now 11:40. I'm on the floor above the lobby and hear shuffling. I thought it was suspicious, so I went down, I left the bag of valuables in a room near the stairs, and when I went down, I noticed the door to the basement. It was open.

My body couldn't help itself to go downstairs and figure out what was going on. That was a mistake. I regret it. I still regret it. I kept walking until I heard a familiar voice. My mother. She was down here. I'm questioning if I should have stayed here the whole day.

My small bit of fear was overpowered by my curiosity, so I kept going down. My mother's voice was coming closer. I was at the first basement level. Her voice was as clear as day. I called out to her, and suddenly she stopped talking. The silence was eerie.

One of the doors opened, and my mother walked out. She looked up at me with a face I couldn't describe. "Now... didn't you say you were going to a friend's house?" She looked down at me. I shook a little. "Well?" I slowly nodded my head. It was clear I was scared.

"Then, why did you lie?" She walked towards me. I slightly moved back. "I only wanted to come here." I felt the instinct to run, and so I did. My mother grabbed my wrist. "Don't run. Tell me, why did you lie."

I shook my head and began to pull my arm away. Her grip was tight. "Whatever the reason, you're coming with me." My mother dragged me to the final level. The second basement. She gave me a blindfold on the way down.

"We're going to play a small game. So put that blindfold on." She said. I did what I was told and still held onto her hand. I don't like this situation. A door opened, and we walked through. "I thought children weren't allowed here." "Well, this one is special. It's my daughter. A perfect sacrifice." My mother spoke and pushed me to the ground.

I felt rope being put around my wrists and ankles. Is this what she meant by 'a perfect sacrifice' ? I couldn't move my body. I called out to my mom, and there was no answer. I called out to my dad, who I was assuming was there, too. There was also no answer.

There was someone looming over me. Their breath was close against my skin. Too close. Then, there was the smell of... metal. After the smell, there was a sting, and now, the smell of blood. It was going into my mouth.

I cried in pain. They slit my mouth open. I yelled at them to stop, but the blood was already coming into my mouth. All that came out were gurgles. Then, I felt something go through my chest. The same knife.

22 times. 22 times, I was stabbed with the same knife. 22 times from 22 different people. I was dying slowly and painfully. For a stupid sacrifice.

After a couple of minutes, I couldn't hear anybody or see anything still. I felt cold. I knew I was dead from there, but something pulled me back to life. I stood up and forcefully grabbed the knife from my chest, removing the blindfold as well.

I didn't know at the time, but my eyes were red instead of their normal blue. I counted the fearful eyes in the room. There were 22 people standing in the room. I felt myself smile a little bit, and the next thing I knew, they were all on the floor. Not moving.

I killed them with my own hands. My hand gripped the knife tightly as I fell to my knees and started to cry for my parents and sisters only. God knows they'd have to be sent to a foster home after this.

My eyes looked down to my now bloodied hands. Hearing the sound of the door creaking open, the door slowly opened to reveal another girl, a few years older than me, but she was floating. I turned paper white at the sight of her. She looked like she was crying as well. I pointed the knife at her, but she didn't seem bothered.

"Do you want to play a game?" The girl asked me. I stared at her, confused, still holding the knife. "I asked if you wanted to play with me.." She stared into my eyes. My body started to get up and turn to the stairs. Instinct kicked in, and I started to run up the stairs.

"Ok, I need to collect my thoughts. I killed my parents, I killed 20 other people, I'm covered in blood, and a girl just appeared out of nowhere floating up and down asking if I wanted to play. JUST A NORMAL DAY APPARENTLY" I started to panic and cry again, near the stairs once I made it to the lobby.

The girl came up to me. "What's your name?" She tilted her head. I told her my name and explained what I could of what happened. Of course, I was still in tears and was panicking. "My name's Celeste. If you'd like, you could take a shower to remove some of the blood." "Do the showers still work in this place?" "You'd be surprised." Celeste led me to one of the old rooms and turned on the shower head. It took a second before water came rushing out.

"I'll leave you to it." She left, I took a shower fairly, though the blood was still there. "Good enough." I walked out and looked around for Celeste. "So... do you want to do anything to this place?" I thought about it before nodding my head. "Yeah, I decided to turn this place into an orphanage, for children who ran away, were abandoned, or were abused by their parents."

"What about the bodies?" I smiled just a little bit. "As long as children don't go down in the basement, then it'll be fine." Celeste spun around in circles in delight.

"I think that sounds like a good idea! Can I get to call you 'mom'?" She looked at me with pleading eyes. How I could I say no? "Yeah, you can if you want to." I smiled at Celeste and patted her head.

This place is my home from now on. I wonder how many children will come by. Maybe they'll stay here forever. A year has passed, and I'm 8. Celeste counts as my first child, although she's dead.

I went outside for a small walk and looked at the forest from behind. A kid was running through it... and he looked terrified.

Oh, my name is Nekola. It's very nice to meet you.

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