Chapter 3

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Location: The forest in the back of the not-so-abandoned building.

Tw : Guns and Knives. (I don't know, man)


Just run. Run until they're out of sight. Don't look back. Keep running. Run until you consider it safe. Don't slow down... that's all I could think.

I'm carrying my little sister on my back. She blacked out a bit ago. I wasn't going to leave her behind. We've been chased through the woods for a good while. So, how'd we get here.

Well, 3 armed men came into our house and started to shoot. I don't even know why we were being chased in the first place. This was all in the morning. My parents were dead. Now it's just me and my little sister.

I took a small break, calming down and trying to catch my breath. I put my sister down on the ground, taking a look at her wound. My parents were shot, and so were we. Little sister was shot 2 times in the same leg, and I was shot twice in the arm. Still surprised at how she ran for a good while, with a hole in her leg.

We're not twins, but people mistake us for that. I like to call us stair siblings. We were born on the same month and day, but a year apart. We have the same length of hair, same pair of eyes, same features, everything really. Just our voices and gender, those are different.

I heard footsteps after about 20 minutes. I picked my little sis up and started running again. We were too far away from our house to go back. The gunshots started up again, so I kept running. "Don't worry, I think we're almost safe." I tell her, even though she was unconscious.

I turned a few more times, seeing a building. Wait, a building out here? Questions later. I keep running in the direction of the building. "Hey, kid! Get inside. You look tired." There was a girl at the back door. She looked older than me, but I went inside anyway, almost falling and chipping a tooth.

The girl closed the door behind me. I caught my breath and stayed quiet, holding my sister close. A couple minutes passed, and the same girl came inside. "Hey..." She looked at me. I slightly backed away, still holding my sister. "Don't be scared, I won't hurt you." "Who are you? What is this place?" I asked. The girl sighed and looked at me. "My name is Nekola. I guess you can say I'm the owner here."

That name rings a bell. I looked at her, confused. Is she taking care of this place all by herself? "Now that I answered your questions, you'll have to answer mine." "O-Ok." "Why were you running? What happened, and what are your names?" Nekola asked me. I hesitated, but I spoke.

"Ok, so what happened was..." I explained everything to Nekola, gave her our name and ages too. She looked at me with pity. "Alright, listen to me. I'm going to tend to both your wounds, with the help of Celeste." She picked up my sister and began to walk away. "Who's Celeste?" I asked. She was too far away to hear me.

I followed behind her, but I heard footsteps behind me, so I turned my head to see if anyone was behind. There was no one there. This place is weird. Nekola stopped in front of a door and opened it. She put my sister on a bed and looked at her leg.

"She'll need stitches. You do, too. At least she's not awake to hear this. She'd probably panic." She grabbed a rag, disinfectant, a needle, some thread, and a bandage. "How old are you?" "I'm 8." Nekola started to clean most of her wounds and mine. "Do you live here alone, I have one friend, who is my child." She started to stitch our wounds. "Have you been here for a year?" "Yes. You can say I ran from home." Nekola chuckled a little and put a gauze and bandages on our wounds.

"Do you have a last name?" That was my final question. She froze. "Why do you want to know that?" "If it offended you, I'm sorry.." "No it's ok. It's Nekola Crowley." I thought so. I looked straight into her eyes. "You're the one whose family went missing last year, right?" A chuckle would come out of her mouth. "Define missing. My sisters were still in the house." I nodded my head. "They're in foster care." She let out a sigh of relief. "At least they're alive."

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