Two Halves Becoming Whole

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Fuck! Why does Jake constantly talk about Plain Bella? I feel bad for Jasmine having to deal with him every day. Lately I've been more prone to anger and I can't take it. I storm out of school and drive home. Dropping my stuff on the couch in my living room, I jog out the back door and head for the woods for a run. Halfway through the wood trail, I stop as I feel a burning sensation run through my body when suddenly my bones snap. I go to scream but instead I growl.

'What the hell?' I think as I now look at two giant silver/gray paws.

'Paul, relax,' I unexpectedly hear Jared's voice in my head.

'Jared? What's happening?' I ask, as two wolves come running towards me and stop about five feet from me. One wolf is solid black and the other is a dark/medium brown one.

'Paul, I need you to calm down. Think about yourself changing back to human,' I recognise Sam's voice and do as instructed.

Once I'm human again, I see Jared shift back and hand me a pair of cargo shorts as he puts his on. Looking towards the black wolf, I find Sam standing there in his own cargo shorts instead.

"Let's head back to the pack house and we'll explain everything on the way," Sam says, nodding for me to follow and I do. "As you can tell our tribe legends are true and so are the cold ones; vampires. We work just like a wolf pack; I'm alpha, Jared is my first beta and now you're my second beta. Do you have any questions?"

"Are imprints also true? And who else knows about us?" I ask, as I notice we near Sam & Emily's house.

"Only the elders and tribal leaders know about us as well as my fiance and imprint, Emily. Yes, imprints are true and if you ever feel like you're about to shift, get away from people or your imprint if you ever have one, you'll see why soon," Sam replies, with a hint of sadness in his eyes and voice at the end.

Entering the house, I see Jasmine sitting at the table writing in one of her notebooks for her English Writing & Literature class as Emily sets a plate of cookies in the center. As Sam greets Emily, they share a short kiss. I spot scar marks running down the right side of her face, but she smiles and wears the scars proudly. I now understood what Sam was talking about.

"Hey Jasmine, how's college going?" Jared asks, sitting down across from the girl in question. Dear god, I can't help but smile lovingly at her; her scent is a perfect yet odd combination of pencil, paper, lilies, and fresh pine trees.

"Well now that I'm actually making progress, it's going great. I might have to either soundproof my room and get a lock for my door or move out entirely because Jacob won't shut up about Plain Jane Bitchy Isabella," she replies looking up from her work momentarily. Noticing me standing near the door, Jasmine smiles at me, "hey Paul." She then goes back to her work and I am little sad we didn't make eye contact but I just keep smiling at her.

I can't help but stare at her, the girl I've known since I was a baby; who is basically one of the 'princesses' along with her sisters, of our tribe and who I've fallen in love with. I just hope she's my imprint or shifts soon if it is possible for her, because I won't be able to lie to her or keep my distance from her since she calms me down like no one else can.



I'm happy to see Paul hanging out with Sam and Jared again, they don't judge him for his temper unlike Jacob does. Even though he's distanced himself from me a bit and I'm unsure why, I'm still happy for him to be around actual friends who don't judge him.

Something I am not happy about is Jacob and Isabella's non-stop harassment. They're always trying to hang out with me or in Isabella's case come into my room whenever. I've told them to leave me alone multiple times but I unfortunately can't get a moment of silence from either of them.

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