A Newborn Army and Training

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Three weeks since the meeting with the Cullen's. Three weeks of tracking and chasing the red head Victoria. She has crossed over the treaty line multiple times, having both the pack and Cullen's chasing her. People in Seattle have been going missing and mysteryling dying.

Currently sitting at the pack house enjoying dinner with Paul, Emily, Sam, Kim, Jared, Seth, Leah and Claire, I smile as we all talk and laugh. We're interrupted when my phone begins to ring and the caller ID is Jacob.

I hit the answer and hold it to my ear, "what do you need, Jake?"

"There is a problem that you need to hear," he says. He, Quil, and Embry are at Isabella's graduation party, since Jake decided to talk with her again but he's now more pack than Isabella's lost puppy.

"Put me on speaker and tell me what the issue is."

"You're on speaker now, Jasmine. As you are probably aware, people have been disappearing or dying in/around Seattle. My family and I have learned and believe Victoria is behind this. She's creating a newborn army meant to kill my family, Bella and innocent people. In three days the newborn army is coming," Carlisle explains what is happening.

"At our meeting I said Victoria is your concern but if circumstances changed we'd help if necessary," I begin saying but Edward cuts me off.

"Innocent people are being threatened so you have to help us," he snarls out in a demanding tone.

"I am well aware innocent lives are in danger," I growl at my phone, "because of you and your family, Victoria lost her mate so you could have Isabella. She is heartbroken and angry because of you and Isabella. If she wasn't harming innocent people I would hand you over to her because she wants the two of you."

"Edward, enough!" Carlisle says, before addressing me, "we understand Jasmine. I'm not going to force you and your pack to help us, but I'm asking you for help. The newborn army is near 50 newborns and my family and I aren't enough to protect the people of Forks."

I glance at the pack member in front of me and they nod in acceptance and understanding. "To my boys at the Cullen's home right now, where do you stand on this?"

"We support whatever decision you make, sis," Jake says.

I sigh, and finally reply to Carlisle, "we will help with the newborn army. I'm saying this now and if I have to say it again I will; one, if a member of my pack is hurt by a newborn it is on Edward and Isabella because of what they have started and are too scared to finish; and two, if it comes down to protecting thousands of innocent lives and Isabella's, my pack and I will protect the humans, because the math between innocent lives to one life makes no sense. Am I clear?"

The pack all have proud smiles at my words and the authority in my voice, making me smile myself until the brat speaks.

"What? They can't do that! You can't do that, the newborns are after me not a bunch of people," Isabella all but screeches out, making me hold my phone away from my ear. While she screeches, Kim and Emily take Claire to the living room away from this discussion.

When she is done, I place my phone to my ear once again, "you finished? Yes, the newborn army is meant for you and meant to kill the Cullen's, but they are also after what they eat, human blood. Correct me if I'm wrong, Carlisle or Jasper, but won't they be more focused on their next meal rather than Isabella?"

"You are correct Jasmine, the newborns will be after anything with a beating heart. It won't matter if the newborns know Bella's scent, they'll only care about feeding their hunger," Jasper answered me, his voice calm and I could hear the faint southern accent when he spoke.

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