Girl...You'll be a Woman, Soon

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"We haven't talked in so long!" Sarah said, as she pulled Jen into her house.

Sarah had called Jen right before she went to the D.E.O, wanting to talk and catch up. Jen agreed realizing she had gone on too long disconnecting from her friends.

"So you're telling me, those things are from your mind?" Sarah asked amazed, as Jen explained everything.

"Yeah and I've been trying to figure out how to get rid of them," Jenny sighed.

"That's not all, is it?"

"I've fallen for Tag, but I'm not sure if I've fallen for him...or if it's just me trying to forget Jon. There was this hole in my heart when I learned he had moved on and when I slept with Tag, I just didn't feel alone. Not only have I hurt myself by doing this, but I've possibly hurt Tag by making him think I care about him,"

"I'm sorry, you slept with Tag?"

"Yeah and now I wonder if it was the right thing to do...what if when my mind split, it took some of my feelings. What if I'm not me anymore because of Astra and Mara? What if I'm just missing some of my feelings for Jon, so that's why I slept with Tag?"

"Well if that's the case, how do you get rid of them?"

"As far as I know, I've gotta kill them...I don't know if there's another way,"

Sarah stared at Jen in shock. The term killing did not sit well with Sarah.

"You said your mind split up, right?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah, what's your point?" Jen rose her eyebrow.

"It's your mind Jenny! Take it back, control it. It might be in three pieces, but it's still yours,"

"You're right...why didn't I think of that?"

"That's what friends are for Jen, that's why you need to keep them around," Sarah smiled.

"What if when I get the rest of my mind back, I want to break up with Tag or I have feelings for Jordan again?"

"I'm sorry, Jordan?"

Jenny looked up realizing what she had said. Sarah stared back waiting for an explanation.

"I meant-I...I've gotta come clean Sarah, a while back I kissed Jordan and I think I felt this sort of spark between us," Jen looked down.

"This was the kiss before Jordan and I started dating? He already told me about that and said you guys worked it out,"

Jenny rose her eyebrow not at the fact that Jordan told her, but at the fact that he didn't tell her everything.

"I'm fine with it Jen and if you have feelings for him that's okay, but I'd prefer you not to try and steal him away,"

"I'd never do that to you Sarah, never in a million years,"


After spending the night at Sarah's, Jen walked towards the Kent house. She was ready to take back her powers and be herself.

"She's home everyone...about time," Mara snapped.

"I'd watch your tone," Jen said, tapping into Maras mind.

She was able to make her stop walking and look in Jens direction. Mara was confused as to how she was doing this.

"Let go of me," Mara snapped.

"Jen, what are you doing?" Lois asked.

"I want me back and that means they've gotta go," Jen said looking at Lois.

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