Chapter 19

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Ally - Always time for tea ......

Miss Toulouse relays this morning events whilst calmly pouring a cup of tea (her answer to all problems) - she seems unfazed by Evelyn's attack this morning but she's had the longest to come to terms with our past.

While I've had the odd weird nightmare, flashes of images and faces that I now know is a memory, these have plagued me on/off through out my whole life. Miss Toulouse had her memories from past events brought to the surface by her grandmother - also a witch.

As a child she also had the curse of nightmares but her dreams were extremely horrifically traumatising, it was so graphic and violent in nature, to protect her fragile child mind, her grandmother bound her memories that were trying to bubble up, into the walking stick along with her infant powers.

The walking stick that you will never see Miss Toulouse without, is the essence of all of our past, from outsiders point of view it's a scuffed, battered, gritty old wooden stick but it's so much more than that, when we were brutally murdered beneath our beautiful tree, our covens meeting spot in a sea of flames, the remaining members of the coven returned in the safety of the darkness of night and took what was left of our tree and carved it into a walking stick.

It was to be passed down from mother to daughter - a silent reminder, that no witch would ever forget what happened that frightful day and their dearly departed sisters would always be close and walk beside them.

I asked her once what it was like, to see so clearly our past and she told me a blessing and curse "To know where one has come from gives them a clear path of where your going" but that kind of insight comes at a price - to clearly see yourself, your friends murdered by someone you once considered your sister is a horrible blight on someone's soul.

"Penny for your thoughts Ally?" Miss Toulouse pipes up.

"It'll cost more than a penny" I snort instantly regretting snapping "I'm sorry, I know our destiny is to stop her - I just don't know how we accomplish that and we don't have just ourselves to worry about we have all these ladies here that need us".

"You and I both know how many of our kind have disappeared over the years at the hands of Evelyn, she will not stop until she's the last one standing - so when I have a moment of doubt creep in, I think of them. I promise you I will do all I can to protect my girls - all of you, but I can't stand by and watch her murder one more of our kind".

I shuffle in my seat feeling uncomfortable, I know she's right but I can't help feeling this might end badly. The cards as always are in Evelyn's favour, she has decades of memories, had the time to hone her powers which were enhanced by the dark side and what do we have?

Then it hits me, we have the stick, that's our upper hand - the residual energy may be enough for a psychic link.

"You said that through the stick you was able to see our past, what if we all could, what if the clue is there?".

Miss Toulouse's face crumples as she tries to follow Ally's excited ranting "I don't know what you mean".

"If we could see, maybe we could somehow work out a way to stop her, maybe find her weakness, the little sweet spot she keeps hidden that could stop her in her tracks" I pace up and down with a new found flicker of hope "fuck everyone has one".

"How would we do that, the stick showed me once and never again - you can't turn it on and off Ally?"

I sit down, grasping Miss Toulouse's hands within mine "We do the one thing Evelyn can't do, we unite together as a coven. What if I manipulate your brain to hide the memories that you've already witnessed almost like when you put a computer back to factory settings, when you hold the stick, it reveals our history as if for the first time, you show us what you see by altering our surroundings - so we see what you see, Lola can read your emotions to see if their anything we are missing".

"Would that work?" Miss Toulouse utters a little flicker of hope now in her eyes.

"Fuck knows but what have we got to lose - if it doesn't I can always manipulate your brain so the hidden memories are returned; no harm, no foul".

Silence falls between the pair as they mentally weigh up their pros and cons. Ally in her job is used to looking at things from every angle, as hot headed as she can be, when the shit hit the fan a calm collected mindset would fall in to place.

Ally breaks the silence "You are the only one who truly remembers what happened and you had that one vision over forty years ago, I have had the odd nightmare where I've seen fragments, Lola has the emotional ties to the past - nothing is concrete, we need to go back to go forward".

"What about Phoenix" Miss Toulouse chirps in.

"That poor kid wears our past constantly splattered across her face as an eternal reminder " Ally remarks showing a slip of sympathy for Phoenix.

"No, I mean would it be too much for her?"

Coughing brings their huddled conversation to a halt as Lola and Phoenix are standing at the kitchen door.

"I'm in and so is she" Lola announces "before you say I can't agree for Phoenix, I'm not. I can feel it in every fibre she wants to stop Evelyn as much as we do" Phoenix nods in agreement with every word Lola is saying "Right, we don't have the time faffing around - we need to get this done before Evelyn decides to pay us another visit in the bathroom, there are somethings I don't want to see whilst I'm having .....".

"A shit" Ally pipes up, her mouth as usual running away her.

Phoenix chuckles as Lola throws a disapproving glance at Ally's brash comment, whilst Miss Toulouse silently looks on hoping for once that luck will be in their favour, if they are to stop Evelyn.

Phoenix chuckles as Lola throws a disapproving glance at Ally's brash comment, whilst Miss Toulouse silently looks on hoping for once that luck will be in their favour, if they are to stop Evelyn

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