Chapter 3: Emerald Necklace

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Things have been pretty rough for her, her mother passed away. Her father bailed on her when she was young. It made her feel terrible. She thought about the night where the mysterious man came and comforted her he. And she found herself in a world filled with people who looked a bit like her. As if it just magically happened, she was fine with the drastic change and never really thought about coming back to the other world. This new world was just filled with happiness and made her forget about her mother's death. For once she was just.. free.

She thought about finding him but it was way too hard and not to mention she would probably move mountains for him but he wouldn't even take a step. That's what she thought. Maybe she was just overcompensating, maybe it wasn't like that, maybe he would risk more for her. She sighed as she put her emerald necklace on, it was the last gift her mother gave her. She was happy to receive it as her last gift, she thought maybe if she got good grades, cleaned the house, and worked 2 jobs, it would make her mother's life easier..But it didn't. In the end she still blames herself for her mother's death. She knew she should've hid that bottle of champagne. Why didn't she think of that? Was it too selfish to celebrate her new position at her work? Was she to blame for her mother's death?

After weeks of finding her, he still had no clue where she was or if she was even here. He thought about giving up but it wasn't worth it he already went on limb to find her. He clasps his hands together and took a deep breath. "Focus, you came here for a reason." he said to himself, now that there were no butlers and maids to make him food and clean his room, he started to appreciate what they did for him. He wanted to go back, but part of him wanted him to stay to find her. Was he going crazy? "I have to take a walk outside."  He went outside and immediately went to the garden infront of the hotel, he looked at the flowers. "Bougainvilleas, I wonder if she likes those." he thought to himself and shook his head.
Moments later he went to the train station to go to the mall, he wasn't used to seeing people have curly hair and emerald eyes. But the second he arrived at the train station, there was a hostage going on. A guy wearing a mask and was pointing a gun to a lady..wearing an emerald necklace. Everyone was too terrified to step up to the man, but if she was Antonella he doesn't want to waste that chance of meeting her and bringing her back to his kingdom. He immediately went infront of the gunman and told him to stop. "Stop!" he said angrily. "You're not helping this situation, Gavrosh." He stood there, shocked that the gunman knew his name. "Who are you?" he said cautiously. The gunman removed his mask. "O-Orlando?!" he said suprised. "W-What are you doing here, and why are you doing that?!" he started trembling on his words did his brother follow him here, why was he here? "Let me explain to you little bro." he grinned mischievously. "You see! I always wanted to be king." he laughed with evilness spreading across his face. "You are younger than me. Yet father chose you to be king. Doesn't that feel a little unfair Gavrosh?" his smile turned into a mocking frown. "Of course I'm way smarter than you so I found your girl!" he began to shoot his gun in the air. "Antonella Vanzuella.." he started to choke her. "DON'T DO THAT TO HER!" Gavrosh said angrily. "I wanted to hurt you, the way you hurt me." Orlando said and then swallowed. "But it seems like I can't, so I figured why not hurt your dream girl." he laughed and took off her emerald necklace and tossed it on the floor. Gavrosh quickly picked it up and put it in his pocket. "Aww, looks like your prince charming is here to take care of your belongings." he said. Then he quickly picked up his gun and shoot. Gavrosh looked at Antonella and she seemed fine, on the other hand his chest was pooling up with blood. Quickly after that people started panicking, Antonella quickly rushed to Gavrosh.

Gavrosh woke up with a slight head ache the place was filled with nurses and doctors he soon realize he was in the hospital the first person who spoke to him was a doctor. "What happened?" he asked. The doctor explained everything that happened to him but..he couldn't remember. Moments later Antonella came to him and asked if he was okay, "Who are you, am I suppose to know who you are?" he asked her. "No" she asnwered with tears forming into her eyes, "You don't have to know me, we don't know each other." her heart ached. "You'll be okay, the pain will go away. You will..go home."

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