Chapter 4: Pockets

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He woke up the next day, he couldn't remember what happened the day before, all that he could remember that there was this lady she made it seem they didn't know each other, she was missing spark in her eyes, she gave him a smile that didn't reach her eyes. There was a gut feeling that there was something between them. There was a connection, an important one. He was so curious on what happened, the last thing he could remember was going in a train station. Did something bad happen there? he thought.

His nurse gave him his ideal breakfast and he fixed his position so he could eat but something dropped from his pocket. A necklace, and emerald one. He picked it up cautiously and he started to have flashbacks of what happened. Antonella. His brother. The shooting. The necklace. His hands started to shake he was terrified. He started hearing voices. You will never be enough. You're crazy. What's wrong with you. Your brother is better. Do better. He panicked and hit the nurses button. A nurse came rushing his bed and looked at him. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have called, I—" the nurse cut him off. "Save your explanation for later, you're tired you need to rest." the nurse said. "Do you know the contacts of the girl yesterday?" he mumbled. "Yes, I do." the nurse said. "But it's only for emergencies." she added. "What?" he asked her. "For emergencies, like when die." she said. He was shocked on what the nurse had told him. Does she really want to be with him only when he dies, and again he can't die here. He still wants to continue getting his place as king. The thought about leaving her hurts, but he reminded himself to stop chasing her. "You got this."
He was almost in love. She was almost good for him. He almost stopped for her. She almost waited. They almost made it.

After another month in the hospital, he was ready to be discharged. There was something in his pocket again. It was a note, he read it "Hey, your heart will fix itself. You don't need me, It's your mind you need to worry sbout. Your mind where your locked the memories, your mind where you have kept pieces of the stones of the ones that hurt you, that still cut through you like shards of glass. You're young, you're smart. You don't have to spend your life with a heart that already knows how to heal. Love, Antonella." He didn't notice but he was crying, the note was wet from all his tears. He didn't want to leave this alternate universe, but at the same time he did. He didn't want to feel this type of pain again. "I'm ready to leave." he held the bridge of his nose, and carried his luggage. He picked up everything and held her emerald necklace tight, he was crying. He wanted to look at Antonella's eyes one more time even if it's the last, he couldn't bare giving up on her. Some people are born with thousands of obstacles in their lives, but hers had constellations in her eyes. She was in pain, he was in pain. They didn't know.

Holding the necklace and the note he smiled sadly while making his way to the portal. "Wait." a voice said. It was Antonella. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, please" her eyes welled up. "please, forget me." she pleaded. "Forget you, never." he sighed before continuing. "When we see each other in the real world." his voice was trembling. "We'll give it a try." he stopped her from saying anything. "And for now, I'll forget you." tears shimmered in his eyes. "I need you, I love you so much." he cried approaching towards her. "I can't stand with the thought of you with someone else." she said. It was painful, "You deserve so much better than me." he said, holding both her hands. "I don't know how to fix this, I love you too..but it isn't enough." she replied with tears shone in her eyes. "I'd rather die than put you in pain." he said cupping her cheek. "But I'm so done of trying so hard only for you to never look in my direction,  I love you." He kissed her vigorously, he started to step in the portal, he mouthed her an "I love you so much that it hurts." How can loving someone back make things worse? He thought. He clenched on the piece of jewlery and gave her a genuine smile. He wish he could go numb, because he didn't know what to feel. But it was an honor to love you. Like the snow drifts giving way to spring, I will hold you for as long as I can. So There they stood two strangers. The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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