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The retriever tears into the backyard, immediately greeting his sister. Kate follows after him, duffel and backpack in hand as she closes the fence.

Wanda and Yelena sit at the table with iced teas, chatting. Yelena sees the brunette and smiles, standing and greeting her with a hug. She takes her bags from her.

"How was the drive?"

"Long, but worth it to see that reaction." Kate points to the dogs falling over one another and yipping.

Yelena smiles at them. "Come. Let me introduce you to Wanda."

The two step over to her and Kate and the witch shake hands.

"Gosh, I feel like I know you already! Nice to meet you, I've heard so many good things," Kate says.

Wanda tilts her head, for the first time in her life hearing that phrase. "Same to you."

"We're having spaghetti for dinner, I hope that's alright."

"Not mac and cheese?" Kate teases.

Yelena shifts her bags on her shoulder, heading for the patio door. "I thought about it." She heads inside.

Kate sits across from Wanda. "Old joke."

Wanda smiles easily with her. "I figured."

"She seems good."

"She is."

"Because of you."


"We try to talk every other day. She gives me the Wanda update. Gets better and better each time."

"The Wanda update?"

Kate backtracks, realizing how she must sound. "Not that she's keeping track of you. Just... How she feels having you here. She always says she feels less alone. The fact that you're a redhead definitely eases the missing piece of her heart that was taken up by a different one."

Wanda hums. "She does the same for me. I'm forever grateful for her."

Yelena comes back out with an extra tea for Kate. She sets it down and sits next to her.

"So you drove?" Wanda asks, leaning back.

"I did. I wanted PD to come and I'm always nervous about flying with dogs. It's only about eight hours so it wasn't too bad."

"And what do you do?"

"I'm a student currently. Almost finished with the semester, thank god. Then I'm coming to work with you guys and Val."

Yelena rolls her eyes but Kate just punches her shoulder.

"That's right, you're an archer. Studied under Clint."

"I did. My time with him was how we met," Kate tells, motioning to Yelena.

"What were you doing with Barton?" Wanda asks Yelena.

"I was trying to kill him," she reveals. "Val gave me the assignment."

Wanda furrows her brow. "But doesn't she know he's an Avenger? Why would she put a hit out on him?"

"My mom hired her. And Val just does as she's told," Kate says.

"Who's your mother?"

"Oof. I can't answer that question. I don't know if even she could."

"Family," Yelena sums, sipping her tea.

Kate nods and nudges her shoulder with hers. "Family." She glances between Yelena and Wanda curiously. "Speaking of, do you miss them? Your families? I know I miss mine."

Wanda nods, reminiscing.

"Of course," Yelena agrees. "But there is no grief, or pain, or sadness. We remember. We will say hello again. I know it."

Wanda turns to the widow, a soft smile on her face and tears in her eyes. Yelena smiles back, nodding.

"We will say hello again."

We Will Say Hello AgainWhere stories live. Discover now