Chapter 0.5

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[ Suzuki Iruma (14 Years old) ]
[ Is a Kind-hearted boy. ]

[ Whether he is asked for help, or nobody asks for help, or even an unreasonable request—- ]

[ He can willingly do anything without a single complaint. He himself is also amazed that how he became such a good-hearted person. ]

[ There is also one thing.. He has a brother.. Suzuki Kusuo, They aren't actually related in blood since he was Adopted by the Suzuki family— ]

Good grief.. I was just peacefully eating my coffee jelly while protecting Iruma, why were we suddenly sold to a demon?

[ Yes. That's right. A demon, and incase you're wondering, Yes, Kusuo still has his powers but kept it a secret from everyone— including Iruma. ]

[ His parents are truly mean people. ]

[ Generally, They have a lack of common knowledge••• ]

"My dear, Look! Now Iruma can stand by himself!"

"Good Good! Amazing! That's my son!"

"Then from now on you can strike out on your own."

"We go fishing now,the target is Tuna! Follow me, boy!"

[ And so Iruma, Only 1 year old, made his way into the world. ]

That's dumb.

[ Afterward ••• He traveled all over the world, During 14 years he put his life on the line... ]

( And this is the result of getting himself into trouble of Genius education, So no matter what happens I can accept and overcome one by one. )

"Welcome to the Netherworld, Suzuki Iruma and Suzuki Kusuo."

Why did you even include me?

"They sold our souls to the demon?"

"---How is that possible--" He paused as black lines appeared on his head and sweatdropped, ( Well, my parents are capable of anything.. )

"What's that?"

"It's my mansion."

"Huh?! What are you going to do to us?!" Iruma said while struggling with the rope.

"Calm down."

He then screamed loudly in fear as Kusuo covered his poor ears since he was besides Iruma.


They were both now sitting on a chair with Iruma dumbfounded.

"Would you both like to be my grandson?"



"Actually, I'm single, So I've always wanted to have a grandson!" Said Sullivan while hugging.. himself I guess?

"A grandson?"

Good grief.

"I'm so envious when Levy and Beliard keep bragging about their grandchildren." He said crying while kneeling down leaving Iruma sweatdropping.

"I can buy you anything you want!"

"All right? Please?"

"B-- But I've been sold by my parents, right?" Asked Iruma, "Can we still refuse?".

"I respect your wishes. If you really don't want it, you can choose to refuse."

Do you know his weakness or something?

( What... What should I do? )

( Ever since I was born, I've never refused anyone! But.. Given the strange situation, I should refuse him.. But if I did.. )

"Well, I--"


"BECAUSE OF THAT, IM BEGGING YOU!! PLEASE! Consider yourself doing a favor for a dying old man!!! Iruma-kun!! Please!!" Said Sullivan while crying...

Hold on.. did he turn to an egg?

No. Anyway,

The lists of phrases that make Iruma helpless, First, "I'm begging you." Second,"Help me out, Third, "Please."


In the end, Both Kusuo and Iruma had come to an agreement, which is to stay with Sullivan, as they both stamped the agreement papers.

Sullivan was in his joyful moment as Kusuo sweatdropped while looking at the crippling Iruma on the floor.

( Uhuhu... Become a demon's grandson?.... )



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"Next, since it's been decided..." Sullivan snapped his fingers as the room changed to an elegant big bedroom with 2 giant beds and 2 desks Infront with a shelf of books and.... Yea whatever it's up to the reader's imagination.

"What.. What's going on?" Asked Iruma looking around but still on the floor.

Atleast it's nice i guess.

"You guys are my first lovely grandsons, First, shelter, food, and clothing. Then..."

He snapped his fingers again and school uniforms appeared on both Iruma and Kusuo's body which even startled Kusuo a bit.

"W-- What's this??"

"School clothes I assume."

As then some school stuff had also appeared around them, "It's for your education!"

"It fits you perfectly! How adorable! I'll send you to a demon school!" Sullivan said clapping his hands.


Kusuo Suzuki's Newest Adventure[ Welcome to demon school Iruma-kun! x Saiki K! ]Where stories live. Discover now