Chapter 2

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WARNINGS: Swearing; weapons; violence; blood; stitches; mentions of captivity; horrible Russian (I'm sorry in advance, blame the translators, not me)

Chancay, Peru; 2013:
It was a beautiful day; it always was in this town. I never got to appreciate it, though. I was always looking over my shoulder instead of looking at the ocean or the historic castles. I was always planning out escape routes instead of enjoying the path I was on. I was so busy analyzing the everyday people around me to filter out threats that I never realized I was one of those people, too. The warm sun was shining in the cloudless blue sky and there was a slight breeze coming off the ocean, so I didn't overheat on my run. I turned off of the main road and jogged toward the entrance of my quaint apartment. I turned the key in the lock and shimmied the door open一 that lavender door always stuck.
After locking and dead bolting the door, I made my way through the living space, which only took a few steps, and entered the bedroom. I peeled off my shirt and threw it toward the hamper; I would pick it up later. I went into the bathroom and hopped in the shower. After a cool shower and a change of clothes, I went to the kitchen to make some much-needed lunch. I was in the midst of cooking when my burner phone rang, and only one person had that number. "What's up, Nicky?"
"Eight, you need to come in."
"Hi, Eight. I'm good, how are you? It's nice to talk to you." I responded to his no-nonsense greeting with a typical sarcastic quip.
"I don't have time for your shit today, Eight. Romanoff and Barton have been captured. Security is too tight to send in multiple agents and you're the only person I know who can handle this mission alone."
"How the hell did they manage to get themselves captured? She's the freaking Black Widow."
"We don't know much. Barton sent an encrypted message using an old radio saying that Romanoff is injured and they needed immediate evac."
"Send me everything you have about the location. I'll go straight there on my jet."
"Be careful, Eight." He ended the call and I immediately got ready to leave.

Stemwede, Germany; 90 Minutes Later:
Fucking Germany. Of course it had to be Germany. I hate this place. I was literally created in this place. But this isn't about me. This is about a pretty redhead and her best friend. I enabled the cloaking feature and landed the jet in a clearing about a mile away from the base. I quickly left the jet and started the small trek to the base.
After the short hike, I made it to the hill about 100 yards from the HYDRA base. I was crouched in the treeline with a perfect view of my entry point. I quickly checked my weapons; I had a sniper rifle, two pistols, a shit ton of extra magazines, a rather excessive amount of knives (but honestly you can never have too many knives), and my two swords. I screwed the silencer on the sniper rifle, loaded two bullets, and got into position. I took out the two guards outside the door by the loading dock. I slung the rifle over my shoulder and started toward the door. When I got there, I hid the bodies and took the cover off of the keypad. I cut two wires and the door unlocked. I entered and made my way to the security room. I had studied the blueprints on the flight, so I knew where I was going. I entered the security room with my pistol drawn. There was only one guard sitting at the desk, so I holstered my gun and snapped his neck from behind. I placed his head on the desk so he looked like he was asleep. I clicked through the camera monitors until I found Romanoff and Barton sitting in a cell in the East wing. It wasn't too far and there were plenty of shadows and corners for me to hide in. I've gone undetected in far more difficult conditions than these.
I silently left the room and walked down the halls until I found the cell. I took out the two guards outside the cell and took the keys from a guard's belt. I hid the bodies as best as I could, then unlocked the cell. Barton immediately stood and crossed the hall to retrieve his bow. I noticed Romanoff hadn't stood up, so I went over to her and saw that she had been shot in the thigh. She had lost a lot of blood. She was so pale. The lower half of her suit was soaked with her blood. What should I do? I have to do something. What if she dies? She can't die. She's barely even conscious. Holy shit, Fury's going to kill me. Oh my god, I'm going to kill the prettiest girl I've ever met一
My downward spiral was interrupted when Barton said, "We need to get out of here. She's lost way too much blood." I hurriedly took the belt off of my uniform and tightened it above the wound. Her pained groan was the only sign that she was still clinging to consciousness. I tried to help her stand but she was totally out of it, so I just threw her over my shoulder instead. "Do you got her? You need help?" I swear, men always doubt women.
"I got it. The jet is parked away from the base. Let's go." Barton had to take out a few HYDRA goons along the way, but we got out of the base without alerting everyone there. We had just crossed through the treeline when alarms sounded from inside the base. "Shit. They must've found a body or noticed you guys were missing. We've got some distance on them, but we gotta pick up the pace." Barton gave me a dubious look, clearly not expecting me to be able to move faster with Romanoff slung over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes. That look was wiped off of his face pretty damn fast when I took off in a sprint toward the jet.
Once aboard the jet, I set Romanoff down on the bench of seats and went to the cockpit. I launched the jet, set the coordinates for the Triskelion, and put it on autopilot. I then returned to Romanoff's side and got out some medical supplies. I injected a local anesthetic, but she was unconscious anyway. I cleaned the area, used Kelly forceps to remove the bullet, and cleaned the wound again. "You're gonna be okay, Red," I murmured, more to myself than her. I stitched the wound closed, and when I was finished, Barton spoke up.
"Thank you, for helping her and rescuing us."
"It's my job. No big deal."
"Except it's not your job. You're not a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. You didn't have to risk your life and do this, but you did. So thank you." I didn't know how to respond to that, so I opted to stay silent and just nod in response.

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