COVID-19 Survival Journal Entries: part 2

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3/31/2020 - Ugh, I got up at a decent time this morning so that was awful. I don't like getting up early, I think I got up at like 9:30 so... yeah. It was weird having like all four classes today. Math was like normal math and so was English sorry. We had our first science conference today. We got to meet Mrs. B's just her initial cause I don't want to give out too much info family which was nice. Olivia really wanted to show their cat. She was very energetic and Joseph was just like please stop showing my face. His facial expression was really funny. In the beginning of social studies it was literally Kyle, Maddie, someone who I can't remember and I who were in the conference. She just talked about our assignments for the week. Then everybody joined. We ended up showing off our pets and j was funny. So I went to get Blondie and when I got back Miss. C asked if it was a cat. I was really confused because like did she not look like a cat or whatever. Like I was majorly confused.

4/1/2020 - Oh my lord Mr. U! I woke up at a nice time this morning but I don't remember what time it was. It's either 9:00 or 9:30, I legitimately do not know lol.

4/7/2020 - Ok, so like I'm doing like all of my homework right now and it 11:55pm. 23:55 I was doing my science and the video song thing is honestly kinda cute in a way. It says it's for kids and it definitely sounds like it's for kids so yeah. So there was this one really annoying question. On my first attempt I read it wrong which was great. On my second I thought it was atom because it said an and I'm like ok atom has a vowel so I'm putting atom. Then I got that wrong as well which was also great. So then I looked it up and it said nucleus. Oh oops, I should totally write what the question was so you don't get any more confused than you already are. It was "Electrons are ___ then protons and are located in an ___. They have a ___ charge". Ok now back to what I was saying, THEN I saw or it so I'm like that has to be it. It starts with a vowel and electrons orbit the nucleus, so that would make sense right? NOPE, I got it wrong again. I should also say that we have 3 attempts, and or it was my last attempt. Then I emailed Mrs. B about it so we'll see what happens tomorrow.

4/17/22 - Oof, hello. I woke up like fifth-teen minutes ago for a conference. So Schoology and YouTube are being weird and annoying. For social studies there was this assignment that we had that had a YouTube video right. It was working Monday-Wednesday but after that nothing was working. I did it some day. It might've been Tuesday so I didn't have to worry about it. Didn't I talk about this last entry? Ms. C posted an "alternative" assignment so that the people who didn't do it before Thursday had an assignment to do. It's really annoying because I have an extra assignment to do now. Literally right after I wrote all this I realized that we normally get assignments on Friday. *facepalms* The day I wrote this was Friday so yeah But I decided to wait to do my thing for art until Thursday. We had to use a YouTube video to do it so I had the same problem. I emailed Mrs. S about it and gave me like four options to try and fix it. I had to use the forth option which was to find a different video to use as a guide for 2 point perspective drawings. I literally stressed attempting to do the third option so much that I almost cried. Idr what it was Yay emotions! Here's where my sanity started to decrease So then I went to the fourth option and it was all fine. In the video though the person made us do like 6 boxes and it was kinda annoying but it was fine. She showed us how to do the boxes above, on the line, and below the line. I forgot what the line was really called so it's "The Line" lol. So I was able to do my art

What the hell is wrong with me sometimes? Prepare for the next entry 😬 But at least I'm at my moms

4/24/2020 - I'm eating raisins. I haven't eaten raisins in a super long time so it's weird. So I was eating cereal for breakfast and Cuddles has an obsession with dairy for some reason. I also have my chromebook out and she kept giving me these faces. I can't really describe it, it's like one of those things that you have to be there to see it. Speaking of that, last night Blondie did the most hilarious thing. I was sitting on the floor doing this sticker by number thing while listening/watching Grey's Anatomy. She came into my room and walked across me to say hi to Cuddles. She just happened to be staring at my feet for some reason, it was weird and I moved my leg the slightest bit. She jumped like two feet up in the air. I remember this so clearly I've only seen that happen in cat videos but OML it was so fricken(am I allowed to say that, idk) funny. Mr. U is very strict about what we can say in the middle school I laughed so hard, it was also one of those things that you have to be there for. I forgot what time that happened, maybe some time close to 9, I don't know. So there's my two crazy cats for you lol.

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