COVID-19 Survival Journal Entries final part

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5/22/2020 - Something is wrong with my apostrophe button thing. It is very annoying. That's why in english there was never an apostrophe when I was writing. My dad is vacuuming right now and it sounds like someone is getting murdered, lol. I'm on facetime with Maddie right now and she's playing Minecraft. She's trying to find a dark oak forest and a jungle and it's just not working out for her. So she's complaining to me right now. She was yelling at a drowned to not kill her cat. A drowned is a water-logged zombie and they know how to swim. Normal zombies don't know how to swim. We just had a semi long conversation about something but I'm not allowed to tell anyone about it OR what it was about. It just... I'm not allowed to say that word so I'll put in a nicer word but x does not deserve nice. It just annoys me so flippen much and I want x to go away and y to feel better. If you know what I'm talking about, PLEASE don't tell anyone. Maddie will yell at me so... yeah. Maddie just found a dark oak forest. All of her armor is like dead except for her helmet. She has two and a half hearts which means she might die. She said she fell off of a cliff but I don't think she died. She said she's running on the treetops so I think she's happy that she found a dark oak forest. I love dark oak wood in Minecraft. It's my favorite type of wood other than normal oak of course. I use dark oak for the roof of my house and for the doors. Oak for like the walls and birch for the floors.

5/28/2020 - So I stayed up all night last night. My cousin Mariah came over yesterday to celebrate her and cousin Dylan birthdays. I showed her my home and careers project since it's about nursing and she was a RN. Oh how I've moved on from nursing She's a respiratory therapist and she had this week off. She was supposed to go visit her friend somewhere down South but then corona happened. While she was reading it cousin Jeffrey was showing a game trailer. It's about Marvel, Captain America and Thor look nothing like the movie version of themselves. After she was done reading it we started talking about the military and then she recommended a show for me. The Night Shift is the reason why I stayed up all night. I watched two seasons technically. The first season only had like five episodes so. I didn't take my pills that night so I kinda had a bad day on Friday. #depressed It was worse because of the no sleep. The reason why Mariah recommended The Night Shift is because it's based on a military base/hospital. It's actually and most likely the hospital that I need to do my training at soooo. The base is in San Antonio and I originally thought the other base I was gonna go to was in the northern part of Texas but it's not. It's actually in San Antonio too, weird. I thought it was near Dallas, I thought I was gonna be kinda safe from hurricanes oop. I hate hurricanes and now I'm gonna have to be in San Antonio for up to ten weeks, yay. Ha! Not anymore cause I have ptsd, depression and anxiety

6/5/2020 - Mr. U guess what!. I said that there wasn't enough work for me in math and apparently I have a secret job now. I don't know what it is yet but Mrs. V said I'm gonna wish I didn't say that lol. It's true though I want more work I'm really bored. The nerd in me blossoming I already finished the portfolio except for step 5 but I don't know what that is yet since you won't tell us. I'm gonna try and finish my Location Domination challenges in Fortnite then work on my commendations in Division 2. They are so annoying. Like the ones that I'm trying to do now make you replay a mission 10 times on hard difficulty or higher. Omg now I breeze through on hard difficulty It doesn't take that long for the easy missions in D.C. but for the New York ones with the Rogue Agents as end bosses take like an hour. Once I got to level 150 I think I... well I know I changed the world difficulty to hard. When I went home yesterday my cat Cuddles went crazy when I went upstairs. She was like meoeoooeoooew and it was really funny. She's like this EVERY time I come home now even after a 2 hour rehearsal I could tell that she was sleeping in my room the entire time that I was gone because there was a whole lot of cat hair on my blanket. She sheds a lot just so you know. She makes my allergies go crazy. My dog Charlie ran up to me and then turned around to run up to Myles. Myles might have his cancer again :(. He's having the same symptoms as he had when he first got diagnosed. He's good don't worry he was just sick It is really hard now because of corona because I can't be with my mom the entire time to support her. I didn't know this before but she has a little notebook all about his cancer and what his days were like. Myles CAN NOT die because it will completely break my mom and not to mention we might lose the house. He's keeping us afloat and we just really need him. Plz pray for him and us :(

6/15/2020 - My verse verse? will be me almost missing english because I decided to watch grey's anatomy all night. I was also on facetime with Maddie and I snore so it's even more hilarious and kinda embarrassing. She pranked me when I asked her what time it was and said it was 1:23 but the actual time was 12:23. I literally thought I missed english. English started at 12:45 and ended at 1:30

That's a wrap for this notebook entry portion. Corona really did a number on me and my family and you guys got to see what it was like in my point of view. Just a reminder COVID is still out there and even if you're fully vaccinated you can still get it. Please be mindful about not only your own health but the health of the people around you. I know way to many people that got Covid and I just want this to be over as does everyone else. Anyways I'll post another one of my old writings soon. Love y'all and please take care of yourselves physically and mentally ❤️😘🥰

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