4 Things to Know about Isabella D. 9/5/2019

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I remember writing this. Good times

She loves reading books. She has four of Mr. U's books(he let her borrow them). She read two of them during the summer, one of them, Scarlet, has 452 pages. The other, Cress, has 550 pages. She has thirty-six books in her bookshelf at home. She read about half of them. Though it's not a lot, she definitely likes books.

She went to Ocala, Florida. The Puddle of Izzy has finally gone on a plane. Last year she went to go visit her Aunt, this was her first time meeting her ever. They actually have a lot in common, well one thing. We both love Criminal Minds but she doesn't have a favorite character. Izzy had an amazing time in Florida but she came home to something SCARY. She had big tests that week and she missed them so she ended up failing an important class; but she worked harder than ever and got the class back in the 90s. Yeah my science grade went to a 24% because I missed one test

She might be joining the AirForce. Izzy has been doing a bit of research during the summer. She decided to look into Air Force jobs because she knows a few people were/are in it. My grandfather was a colonel in the Air guard and my cousin's best friend is an engineer. She looked at the different jobs and one caught her eye. Law Enforcement Military Working Dogs. One of the requirements is to love working with dogs and if you don't know that I love dogs well that's just sad. You get to spend your entire day with your canine companion and it's just super cool. 
Not anymore but I really was passionate about it
She's obsessed with Pentatonix(a cappella).   Half way through this summer I discovered Hallelujah Pentatonix version on youtube. It was in my recommended and I was bored so I watched it. It was like love at first sight or sound in this case. I sang it pretty much every day like it was apart of my nightly routine. That was then this is now. I don't sing it every day but when I do I give it my all. I mainly sing Kirsten(Kirstie)'s part and Mitch's part, Kirstie is a mezzo-soprano and Mitch is high tenor and when I say high I mean high. Luckily for this song and my voice he doesn't sing that high but you would mistake him for a girl if you didn't know. I can hit Mitch's highest note in the song Kirstie's highest note which is a good thing. Today the 10th, I auditioned for the a cappella group and I was talking to Mrs. Borkowski about Pentatonix and I told her about Hallelujah. The second she told me she had their version of Hallelujah in the back I was shocked, surprised and excited. I hope I get into Bass-ically Treble to sing this song.
I got in but I quit because of me not knowing how to time things properly

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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