Activate project y/n

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3rd pov

"Booting up systems, please stand by." A robotic voice said, the robot then booted up and was surrounded by humans. "Hello Project y/n, could you tell us your last memories?" "I do not recall any memory." He said and the human nodded, "Do you feel any pain or discomfort?" "None of the sorts." He said.

"Ok, could you please move your right arm for us?" One asked and y/n moved his arm up and laid it back down, "Great, now left." The same one asked and y/n followed. "Ok, now could you look around for us?" "I cannot move my head at the moment." y/n responded.

"Oh, one moment." A human said and clicking was heard, "Now please move you head." One said and y/n moved looking to see humans in bright white coats, gloves, and holding boards. "Now, could you move around for us?" One said and another click was heard and y/n felt less heavy.

He got up and looked down on the humans, "Please step around." One asked and he followed, moving around the room spotting tools. "What are these?" "Tools, you can pick one up." A woman said and y/n did just that, he scanned the tool seeing it was a fire axe.

"Economos, lock the doors." The woman said and with a loud click and thud, the doors were closed. "Waller! What are you doing?" "y/n activate project termination." Waller said and the robot turned around, the screen Turing black as y/n started his massacre.

"Wait! Please don't!" One yelled before y/n brought down the fire axe on his head, he then massacred the whole crew with only the axe in hand. "y/n deactivate." Waller said and the robot went limp as a few guards walked in taking out the bodies, "What are you going to do with him?" "Well, I have a little project I need some of you to help me with. Economos, I want you, Harcourt and Murn, to take y/n with you."

"Take him for what?" "For your new mission." She said and John nodded, going into the room disassembling the robot piece by piece before stuffing the parts in a box, he then got his stuff packed up and got into a helicopter. "Don't worry little guy, we're going to be there soon." "John why don't you use a password?" y/n! How are you on my phone!" "A secret, now would you like to talk about the mission Waller is sending us too?" "I would if I knew buddy." John told y/n and he nodded disappearing from the screen as the others got on board.

"Well, this must be her way of getting back at us." Harcourt said and John nodded, "Probably, anyways I wonder what we are going to do?" "Hopefully something quick." Harcourt and John nodded feeling the same.

Time Skip

"And finished." John said as he finally finished putting y/n together, he connected his computer to y/n's head. "Alright, let's power you on." He said and clicked the start system command. "Starting systems." y/n said as his head slowly rose up, and then a soft chime played as he woke up.

"There we go, now y/n do you mind if I alter some of your code?" "Waller, wouldn't appreciate it very much John. But I trust you." y/n said and John nodded, he looked through the code seeing a lot of systems. "Wait you have a medical procedure?" He said with confusion as he clicked the command, "y/n activate project nurse." John said and y/n's jolted up and out came a medical kit from his chest, they kneeled infront of John.

"Hello John! Would you like any medical assistance?" "No, I'm fine thank you." "I would like to give you some advice, dying your hair will mostly likely damage it." "y/n deactivate project nurse." John said with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Did you feel anything y/n?" "About what?" "When you killed all of those scientists." "Oh, I don't recall any of that." He responded to John with. "Wait really?" John asked and revived a nod from the robot. He then got into the termination project to look through, and none of the code said any memory deleting actions.

"Well you aren't supposed to delete, must be a malfunction." John said and y/n nodded, John yawned and put away his computer after unplugging his usb cord from y/n's head. "y/n enter recharge mode." John said and the robot nodded, powering himself off as he was connected to a battery John set up.

"Night." John said as he turned off the lights.

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