Star of the Show

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3rd pov

"Good morning Economos." A voice said waking up John from he sleep, he got up and saw that y/n was still recharging. "y/n stop charging." He said and y/n nodded unplugging himself.

John got up and heard his phone ring, so he picked it up. "Hello?" "John, it's Murn we have our next member. Come meet us at this location." He said and hung up, John got directions and turned off his phone.

"Would you like me to drive us there?" "Yes." John said and y/n nodded, they walked out and got into a car Waller gave to John. John gave y/n the directions, and he began to drive.

"So do you have the information on Peacemaker?" "Yes Economos, I have read every file Waller gave you." He said and they pulled into the park. The two got out meeting the others outside, "Alright. He's inside." Harcourt said and the others swarmed the back of the trailer.

"Stay where you are, Smith." "Fuck. Fuck! I knew it was too fucking good to be true! fսck! fսck! fսck! My life fսckin' sucks." "I mean" "Ah, fսck! Ah, nah, I'm fu... I'm... I'm... I'm good. I'm fսck¡ng... I'm good. fսck!" "You only served four years of your 30-year sentence, and you thought we were just gonna let you go scot-free?" "Yeah. I killed Rick Flag for you people!" He yelled back to the group.

"No one told you to kill Flag." "Waller said do whatever I had to do to make sure those Project Starfish files didn't get out. I made the only choice I could." "Funny, for you, how often the only choice and killing people coincides." Harcourt told him and he looked up to her.

"What the fuck is he doing?" "I have low blood sugar, okay? So I'm dizzy." "You showed you were loyal. You're a born killer with expertise in every weapon known to humankind, and you've had experience in black ops around the globe, so I'm giving you the chance to stay out of prison and work for me." "And you are?" "Names Murn." "Clemson Murn?" "That's right, I report directly to Waller."

"This is Harcourt, who you may know from Waller's team at Belle Reve. She'll be your handler in the field. John Economos, who you may also know, is tech and tactics." "Hey, dude, you're eating four-year-old olives out of my fսckin' fridge." Peacemaker told John who gaged and spit the olive back into the jar.

"y/n." "Yes sir, hello Peacemaker. I'm y/n and I'm a new robot created by Amanda Waller, so she can test my capabilities on the field and to help the team." "Why the fuck do you look so human?" "To help me look more natural of course." "And this is our new recruit, Leota Adebayo, which means she'll be doing most everything else." "Glad to be here. Ready to kick some ass, sir."

"And really lookin' forward to gettin' to know all of you. Even you, Peacemaker. Uh, even though you're not the best guy in the world. And Economos, you seem like you're very easy to talk to. So I look forward to working with you. Harcourt, I feel like, because we're the only women here, we have to have each other's back. Anything you need, I got you. And, Mr. Murn, I have to say your outfits are really dapper. I'm really excited to be here, and I promise you're not gonna regret this. I know inside my mind I'm not supposed to be giving a speech, but sometimes my mouth just does what it wants, so... Close mouth. I'm bitin' my tongue right now. Not gonna talk again." She said before she stopped talking.

"What's the op?" "Domestic situation, known as Project Butterfly." As I recall, you guys aren't particularly creative with the case file names. Project Starfish was a giant walkin' starfish. So, what, am I fighting a Mothra now?" Peacemaker asked the group who stayed silent.

"I am? I'm fightin' a Mothra? What the fսck do I fight a Mothra with?" "That's not what it is." "Can I get a jetpack?" "No." "How the fսck am I supposed to fight a Mothra without a jetpack?" "It's not a Mothra." "Still, my desire for a jetpack remains, 'cause you got me all excited about it." "We need you to do contract work." "Kill people?" "Bad people. Whom we call Butterflies." Murn said which raised Peacemakers interest.

Time Skip

"y/n could you drive?" "Yes sir." "So what can you do y/n?" "I can calculate the odds of most situations if needed, or when I want to see. I can sense emotions from people, like right now you are calm, while Harcourt and Murn are tense. And I can download any information to use later." "Don't forget about the killing part." "Ah yes that, I also have a kill switch." He told her and her mood changed to frightened.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't kill you guys." y/n said which didn't calm Adebayo, "Anyways, let's go and see our base." Harcourt said and the others nodded getting into their vehicles going to the coordinates.

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