Mission Success?

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y/n pov

"Hey." "We just got shot at! Like..." Adebayo said and began to imitate guns firing, moving her fingers to form guns. "And whoa! Like, my adrenaline is pumpin'. Pumping! Like glass breaking, everything. Have you ever been shot at?" "No." Economos said with a sad sigh, I looked at my wound and saw it was leaking.

I then walked into my room and looked for some tools, I found the extra parts Waller gave Economos which he gave to me. So I then began to fix the graze, I used a small piece of metal and it welded into my skin. I wrapped used a hello kitty bandaid, to cover it up before I walked out of my room.

"Ok Dye-Beard." "Hey, guess what? I'm done." "Dude it's not finished." "I'm not going to do this if you keep calling me that name." "What name?" "That fake name." "You saying I'm fake news?" "No, I'm saying you're a fuckin' asshole. I'd rather be with Harley Quinn that you, I'd rather be with the Weasel than you." "The only thing fake news around here is the beard." "I'd rather be with fuckin' Bat-Mite than you." Economos said and I tuned them out as I talked to Murn.

"How did this Annie Sturphausen know about Peacemaker?" "Maybe someone's feeding the butterflies information." "Who?" "Waller." "It's not her." Adebayo told Harcourt who scoffed at her statement. "I don't think it's Waller either." "You don't know her like I do. I saw Waller knowingly sacrifice troops, scientists, including a colonel in the United States Army to meet her objective. We can simply be a decoy team from whoever else she's really entrusted with taking down the butterflies." "Still no reason to give us up." Murn told her.

"Well, the five of us and Waller are the only ones who knew about it. You're the one who brought the butterflies to our attention, so it can't be you. And it's not me, I just put my ass on the line to save Muscle Man Weekly. And it's not Muscle Man Weekly because he's the one who almost got killed. If it not Waller and it's not us its probably her or the robot." "I can say that Waller had me code y/n to not say any classified information he knows to anyone, so it's can't be him." "So then its only down to her."

"Me?" "Does anyone here know how she ended up on this mission?" "I got skills. I got my Blinks-Fendelmire Strategic Combat Certification at the age of fourteen." "Blinks-Fendelmire is kindergarten shit. What about since then? What are your actual qualifications? And how do I know that you're not one of them?" "It's not her. I trust her the most because Eagly liked her." "He tried to bite me." "Yeah but not as hard as he tries to bite everyone else. It's obviously, uh... Elmo" "Economos. Fuck you." "Why do you all have such weird ass last names? Excluding the tin can." He said as Economos kept stitching him up.

"John didn't do it." "Thank you." "He's too big of a pussy to betray us." "All right. Not on purpose but ok, follow me. So he's, you know hanging out having some fun maybe doing some fentanyl with a prostitute-" "Oh god." "in the back of a hillbilly strip club. He's fallen in love, cause it's obviously the first time he's put his balls in somebody's mouth, then he starts getting loose lips! You know, just showing off." Peacemaker said before mocking Economos.

"Are you fucking stupid?" "Sounds more plausible than I wish it did." "Sounds like Economos." "What? I don't even like when my balls are in somebody's mouth, okay? It's gives me the wrong type of chills. And all I can think about is how longs it's been since I've gotten checked for testicular cancer. Too long!" "You are so fucked up, it's adorable, Dye-beard." "Don't call me that!" "Okay, fuck! Come on, bro. What the fuck?" "I don't think it's any of us." "Well, then why did Sturphausen try to kill Peacemaker?" "Maybe she brought him back to her apartment for the outdoors he thought she did." "But why would she decide after they hooked up that she needed to kill him?" Harcourt said and a looked of realization come across Peacemakers face.

"Oh shit." "What? You left the dossier of the person you're supposed to contract kill for the government in the apartment of some rando who blew you?" "Peacemaker screws up are now at two." "She's not some rando who blew me, man. We fully fucked. I thought it would be safer on me then in the car unattended. What was I supposed to do? Drop it off home first?" "Three." "Yes! You don't understand what we're up against here, Smith. The fate of the country depends on this mission!" "And nobody told me that! Nobody's even told me what a fucking butterfly is!" He yelled back at Murn when his phone vibrated.

"Murn. Yes." Murn said as he walked away from the group at the couch. "You don't think that chick left any monster STDs on my dick, do you?" "Come again?" "Wait, is being a butterfly like a venereal disease of some type? Fuck, am I gonna become one? Am I a fucking dick vampire now?" "When we're you going to tell us there were witnesses?"

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