5 • new school friends and town

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"So what are your plans after school?"
Jessica asked me as we packed up our books into our bags after math.

"Ah, I was just going to go home and do homework."

I say while shrugging my shoulders.

"Ok lame ass, that's unacceptable ."
Jessica said while bumping shoulders with me.

I grimaced. I know this is American culture but Jesus, how crude, just touching people at random. I missed being in my home, my parents, my old life.... my thoughts started to drift

After a long awkward pause of silence, Jessica interrupted my thoughts again, 

"Okay well let's go to lunch and I'll introduce you to my friends and we can make plans for after school if you like them?"

I smiled and agreed, "Yeah! That sounds like a good plan."

Anxiety started to creep over my body. I wasn't sure if I would like these strangers, and if I didn't Jessica might find offense to my demeanor. 

We entered the crowded lunch room and it was as if everyone stared at me walk as I went towards the lunch line with Jessica.

"What are you, like popular?" I joke and ask.

"Haha no," Jessica turned to me wide eyed and smiley, " but everyone saw you walk in with Cody I'm guessing annnnd since you're the new girl  everyone's going to want to know who you are."


"Yeah, it'll be okay. We don't really get that many new people around here. They'll let up hopefully by the end of lunch."

The lunch line was fast approaching, and no amount of castle training would prepare me for how to even order my own food or real school.

I let Jessica pass in front of me to get the hang of it.

"Pizza or chicken?" The old lady grumbled from behind the counter.

Jessica said confidently and reached over the counter to grab the two slices of greasy pepperoni on a paper plate and red tray. 

I grimaced and as the lady asked me the same question,

"Pizza or chicken?" she grumbled.

"Pizza, as well, thank you."

She grunted as she handed over my own two greasy slices of pizza. 

There has got to be something healthier. Looking down at the pizza slices, the grease literally was running off the slice and pooling under the plate. I almost gagged. No way I'm eating today I guess.

Following Jessica up to the register, we both paid for our lunches and made our way to a table that was seemed overflowed with kids. Jessica turned to me and soft smiled,

"Sorry, I think they're all just excited to meet you."

"Oh. No problem it's fine really."

I reassure her.

"Alright who's moving and making room?"

Almost immediately ten people stood up and ushered us to take their seats and Jessica was quick to accept the offer. I sat in a seat next to hers. 

"Thank you."

I said to a boy with floppy brown hair and he blushed bright red.

"It's cool, anything for a pretty girl like you."

He said.

"Stop being creepy Mark."

Jessica said, and Mark rolled his eyes and walked away to a different table. 

"So, where are you from?" 

The questions just started to pour and I was quickly overwhelmed but silently enjoying myself. I explained to all my new friends how I had moved in my with my aunt and uncle out here. All them so very interested how such a "nice girl" could possibly be related to Cody. They were all excited for that tidbit and new connection. 

In the end, I had ended up seeing who the true inner circle was. Jessica, the classic ring leader, Joe, Avery, Megan, and Tommy. They're all small town kids who are hilarious and very welcoming. They also graciously invited me to a party this weekend. William would be proud to see me "fitting in" into this crazy American high school. And according to most american TV drama's, high school, did not suck. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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