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I don't hate this. I have two different AUs, and this is one of them. But my OTP will always be Hinny, Jily and Scorily.

There's literally something in the books of Dudley who asked Harry "Whose Cedric? Is he your boyfriend?" something like that.

I don't have photographic memory. I'm not entirely sure if it was in the movies however.

Sometimes my brain makes up scenes from the books that aren't in the movies, into the movie.

Eg. when Ron says if he wants to kill Harry he'll have to kill us too.

But in the movies it's Hermione that says it. But I'll go make up a scene in my head of the movie version. Except it's Ron that's says it.

Just like in the books.

I hope you can understand this.

But if you didn't, I'm sorry! I'm not very good at explaining things.

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