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Neville and Luna. I don't really understand why they are shipped together? I mean I do remember scene in the movie where Neville suddenly said he's crazy for her.

But I'm quite positive that didn't happen in the books at any point? So I don't know how or why the movie version added that in.

It makes no sense.

In canon, Luna married Rolf Scamander. Grandson or Great-Grandson of Newt Scamander. Does that name ring a bell?

Yep, Newt Scamander is from Fantastic Beast.

And Newt likes those weird creatures. But I don't know, does Rolf like them too?

If he does, it'll sort of make sense as Luna seems like the type of person to want someone who shares the same hobbies/ things in common.

So, in conclusion. I don't really ship Nuna.

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