Chapter 8: chloe and james

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James: it's 2:30am and Chloe wakes me up and she was on the phone with a hospital clerk and all I could hear were sirens roaring right outside my house. After I hear the hospital clerk mumble something Chloe looks like she got told that she was going to die. Then Chloe quickly grabs her chlothes as an abulance parks in my drive way. I put on only pajama pants and I run to my car with an extra shirt and I follow the ambulance to the hospital with Chloe sitting right beside me

Chloe: I can't believe this is happening right now. My dad got shot, as James speeds into the hospital parking lot driving with one hand and putting on his shirt with the other I can reel he cares about me. I jump out while the car is still slowly moving because people are I front of it. I run in and I am forced to wait in the waiting room with James as he holds my hand,and at that moment,when I realize he was still there,I knew that we were official. After 8 hours of waiting James's arm is now around my shoulders as we cuddle, then the doctors come out to me and they say he died in surgery and I fall to the floor in anger.

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