Chapter 11:chloe and james

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---the day after winning regionals---
James: omg! I can't believe we won regionals! I'm so happy that I won regionals with Chloe,but more importantly she came! I have been so worried about her when we sleep together,not in the sex way, it takes me 2-4 hours to fall asleep after her. I think she might be noticing so I'm gonna need to work up the confidence and tell her.
Chloe: "what the fuck" I say to James as he tells me. I can't believe this. This explains a lot. Why I was craving shwarma,James baby. Why I kept on throwing up,morning sickness. I never lost a bit of love but I got extremley stressed and while James and I are walking in the park all of a sudden I fall to the ground in pain and I pass out from the pain.

----damn right first big Clift hanger.i will update soon----

ChloamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora