Chapter 14:chloe and james

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James: it's 2am and I can see the entire head of the baby,which meant Chloe was almost done. She was crying just a little bit because her epidural ran out so she is feeling all the pain. I hold her hand while I keep her hair out of her face and I tell her she's doing great.

Chloe: As James holds my hair back I'm in so much pain. I look at James as he glances over to see how the baby is doing. I grab is hand hard as the doctors tell me to push hard one last time,so I do. As I finish my push the baby comes out and I feel a bunch of relief rush through me as I look at her and begin to cry happy tears.

James: As Chloe finishes and she begins to cry happy tears and I shed a few as well,but I can't help it. This was the moment that changed my life, forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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